Chapter 6

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Aasma POV.

"Excuse me, What do you mean by 'want you'." I stammered.
I dragged my feet backward. But deep in my heart, I thought of punching him hard on his face.

"Allah, Are you really so naïve?" he chuckled loudly.

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

He walked slowly towards me and closed the gap between us. He looked straight into my eyes and then to my lips and then back to my eyes. An unknown feeling captured me with a tinge of fear.

"Beautiful," he whispered while trying to cupped my face when I pushed him back with all my strength.

"How dare you try to touch me, I swear, I'll break your bones. I am not naïve okay." I yelled.

"Ha..ha..ha..ha. You are really funny." He started laughing like mad.

I cleared my throat and I have no idea what should I do. He was just playing with his words and I hate it as it was getting on my nerves.

Suddenly he again walked towards me and said in a very serious tone
"I ...want"
and before he could finish I raised my hand to slap him but he caught my hand in the middle and twisted it at my back which made me flattened onto his chest with my left hand on his right shoulder.
He is tall with dark eyes, messed hair, and a solid, muscular body, and undoubtedly handsome as hell. But at the same time he is rude, idiot.

"Don't be so desperate, beautiful. I will surely give you every chance to touch me." He smirked.

I got tensed and was unable to move. I opened my mouth to say something.

"Now shut up and let me finish.
Yes, I ...want... you... to follow my instructions." He said in a very dominating voice.

"What?" I was confused.

"Yes, I want you to follow my instructions. I am the student President as well as the Head Boy and so Mr.Caleb has given me the..."

We heard someone's footsteps and he left my arms immediately.

"Sorry Fahad, it took me a bit longer, right?" Mr. Caleb smiled looking at him.

"No, no Sir, I completely understand and it is very much fine with me as I don't have any important class now."

"Oh, so Ms. Aasma is already here, good? Please be seated." He commanded while looking at us.

We took our seats but there was a bit of tension in me as I have no idea why I was called for and moreover for the person who was sitting beside me. Fahad.
Aaahh, I hate him so much.

"I already informed everything to Fahad. So just let me make it short. The Chief Minister will be visiting us for the Independence day event and I have full trust in you."

He smiled looking at me and I smiled back feeling proud and rolled my eyes to the person who was just beside me. And guess who is that ...Mr. Fahad, the idiot.

Mr. Caleb continued while checking something on his laptop.

"Fahad is here and all you have to do is to assist him."

"Assist him....No" I never wanted but I actually shouted.

Mr. Caleb looked at me in confusion.
"Yes, you need to assist him. Be with him always and make sure nothing goes wrong".

"Sir, I' m already looking after everything and I promise nothing will go wrong. I am sure.."

"Aasma, I have no doubt about it. I am very sure that you will do your best. But it is not only about the cultural show, but it's also about everything. He will be taking a tour of our college and talk to our students too. And Fahad is the best person for this."

"Sir but... "He cut me off and raised his palm to stop me.

"Enough of ifs and buts. Just do as I say. Both of you will work together and I don't want any mistakes. Did you get that," he said sternly.

I just nodded my head.

When all this discussion was going on, Fahad was just sitting and listening quietly. He was quiet but I know that he was angry, very angry. And I damn care about it. I agree that I have no choice but to work with him.

Fahad stood straight and said, " Sir, everything will be fine, just don't worry and just leave everything on me."

"Yes Fahad, I know that well that both of you will surely make no mistakes or else we have to pay a huge price." Mr. Caleb said stressing the last part while looking at me.

"I know that both of you can work well together and bring glory to our college. Just look at yourselves, both of you dress choice is also so very same. I am sure both of you will do well." He continued pointing towards our dress which was a white shirt and blue denim jeans.

"Absolutely Sir, we will," Fahad said confidently.

Whereas I just nodded giving him a forced fake smile. I could feel that Mr. Caleb was a bit annoyed at me. I wanted to tell him that I don't want to work with him but I know that will make the situation worsen so I kept quiet.

"Okay then, Sir we take your leave. We have to discuss and plan things soon. "

"Yeah sure, as we have no time left. Just seven days. So just get set to work."
We walked out of the principal's office together.

"Fahad, I can't work with you," I said immediately after I came out from Mr. Caleb's office while looking towards my feet.

"Shut your sweet little mouth or else I'll ...." He stopped immediately to check out the corridor where we were standing before dragging me to the nearest vacant classroom.


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