Chapter 10

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"@RandomThoughts: "  [Me]: You look like my third husband. [Him]: how many times have you been married? [Me]: Twice."


Chapter 10

"Honey, what did you call me for. The guard said it was urgent," the Werewolf Queen quickly said as she entered the room.

But as she noticed me and Princess Ariana, she quickly paused in her step to look at us with shocked eyes.

"Darling, why is...there two...of them." She softly said in a shocked stuttering voice.

"That Is what I called you here for. I don't know which one is our real daughter and who is the IMPOSTER!" The King quickly replied to her while hoping she had the answers.

"What does your wolf say, he should know who is real and who is not," Queen Stacy quickly said to her husband while still looking at both girls in shock.

"My wolf Luc, is not of any help, he keeps saying both of them are his pups." The King replied to his wife while looking frustrated that he could not even know who his real daughter was.

I could only stand there terrified for my life and soon to be fate as the Queen walked towards me and the real Arianna.

"Mom, I am the real Arianna. This is an imposter. Please tell dad that. He seems to not be believing me." The real Princess Arianna quickly said looking more frustrated and angrier with teary eyes.

"My Arianna can never go anywhere without her favorite gift, given to her by her father for her 13th birthday." The Queen then first said while taking the hand of the real princess Ariana and tracing the unique golden chain bracelet that she wore.

After saying that she walked towards me.

As she did so I could not help but shake some more.

This was it.

"Are you a witch using magic to impersonate my daughter?" the raged queen, first said uttered while walking up towards me. It seemed I had been caught or maybe not. But my life was now definitely on the line.

"Answer me," she then said while holding my face and making me look her in the eyes. I had never been so terrified for my life as I did at that moment.

"No, I am not a witch," I quickly squealed out the answer in fear as the Queen's eyes looked to have started turning yellow and her hands were now cackling with electricity, which looked to be about to burn me soon.

"Then tell me why do you look like my daughter, what spell are you using." she then said in a deadly voice, and the lightening in her other hand seemed to grow stronger,

"I was born like this, I swear, there is no spell," I quickly shouted as she brought the scorching lightning closer and closer to my face.

As soon as I shouted that, she quickly let me go.

"It cant be...but could it." The Queen then quickly said with a gasp as if she was realizing something.

I then saw her eyes move to the titanium spellbound safebox that lay next to the king. She hastily grabbed the knife from her husband and rushed back towards me.

"Give me your hand." she then demanded as I quickly hid my hands behind my back.

"Do it! Before I let my wolf out." upon hearing the King's growled threat I quickly gave the queen my hand. I was so not ready to die from being eaten by a raged Werewolf.

The Queen gently made a small knick to my finger with the blade and then went to put the small drop of the blood on to the titanium safe.

I could only stand there helplessly as I knew there was no way that safe was going to open with the wrong blood. I had failed.

But I then had to look with amazement and shock as the titanium box quickly opened upon contact with the blood.

My eyes quickly became starstruck by the magical artifact that I had come for. The whole outer layer of the half scepter was coated in gold with little red ruby diamonds encrusted on it. If I just stretched my hand, I could grab it and make a run for it or jump through the balcony window.

"Lucas, look it opened! Do you know what this means!" the Queen then almost made me jump as she shouted, interrupting my thoughts of stealing the artifact and making a run for it.

"What," The King then also shouted while moving closer to see.

"It is her, our Anastasia." The queen then shouted again but this time with tears of joy.

"But she died!" the King quickly uttered looking confused.

"It seems we were Lied to and deceived!" as the Queen said that, I could see her clenching her fists in anger with little sparks of lightning escaping.

"Can someone tell me what the HELL is going on! Who Is ANASTASIA and why have you not killed my IMPOSTER yet." Princess Ariana quickly demanded, interrupting the King and Queen.

As for me, I decided to just stay quiet and silent in order to not get killed sooner. Maybe they would continue talking and forget about me. I also did not know what was happening too.

"Ariana, this is your twin sister. Our Anastasia has come back to us." As the Queen said that, I was surprised by the motherly tight hug which she quickly gave me.

Instead of dying I was shocked to find myself being hugged to death by a crying queen and an overjoyed King. These people had gone cuckoo or mad. Weren't they just trying to kill me like 2 minutes ago?

"Oh my daughter, no wonder my wolf was saying she is our pup." The King also uttered while hugging me from the other side too.

But as what they were saying started sinking in, I felt as shocked as them. Why the hell would they think I was actually their daughter. I could not and would not believe it until I had proof.

As for Ariana she just stood there looking shocked.

"Look um...Queen and King," I quickly said while awkwardly untangling myself from them and moving backward a little. I really needed space from them.

"You can call me mom," the Queen quickly said while looking at me in more tears of joy. Before the King could also add that I call him dad too, I quickly interrupted.

"Look, how sure are you guys that I am your child. What if I am not. Could we do something legit like a DNA test or something," I then said to them, in a nervous voice

I was risking being killed if I ended up not being their child. But I wanted to also know the truth too. All my life I had wondered who my real parents were.

Having been a human all my life, I wanted to use human proof instead of relying on the King's so-called magical box saying I am his pup.

"Okay, we can do that if that is what you want." As the Queen agreed to that, I quickly sighed in relief. Thoughts of stealing the magical artifact were quickly pushed aside in my mind. This was more important.

The King then quickly called for a guard to go bring the palace doctor.

I had thought that I would get more time to think through what was happening but the palace werewolf doctor quickly came immediately. He had the DNA kit and everything. We sat down and he took our DNA samples and everything he needed. As for Ariana she just sat there silently watching it all happen.

And to think if this DNA came out true, it would mean I Zendaya, a thief, killer and street child, was gaining a twin sister and parents. And no, not a normal ordinary family as I used to daydream about. Instead, a family pack of Royal werewolves.

I felt as if my life was going haywire and fate was out there enjoying messing with me.

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