Chapter 7

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"@RandomThoughts: "  Vodka is made from potatoes, potatoes are vegetables, and vegetables are good for you. Which means Vodka is good for you. To the vodka lovers out there, You're welcome.."


Chapter 7

I thought I could wait in my room all day until the King gave me access to the vault but I was so wrong. It seems Princess Ariana liked to live a busy social life. First, it was all good. Feeling hungry I called for the castle chef.

"What can I get you, Princess," he quickly asked after entering.

"The usual," I quickly said not knowing what the princess ate for breakfast.

But I quickly regretted my answer as the chef brought and placed a plate for me. I opened to find a plain old boring salad. Even my hungry stomach was not in this mood for this.

"Are you perhaps wanting me to make you something else." I then heard the chef eagerly ask upon noticing my reaction to the food.

"I would love for you to make me pancakes, in all types and flavors." I quickly said to him while listening to my hungry stomach,

"Finally you are letting me feed you real food, my Princess!" He uttered while giving me the happiest smile ever. He also left me delicious green apples to munch on while waiting for the food.

It was then that another person entered my room after knocking,

"My princess your friends are here to see you, they are waiting by the pool room for you," as soon as the girl said that I felt like almost groaning.

I was so not in the mood to talk to more people. It meant having to do some more acting like this prim and proper princess.

I quickly put on a mask and pretended to get excited,

"Please tell them that I am coming," I quickly said to the girl. She then did a small bow and left.

While walking to go see these so-called friends, it was then I noticed some guy coming my way in the passageway. He was cute in that boy next door, kind of cuteness. You could see he knew he was good looking in the way he was shamelessly winking and flirting with all the female werewolves that he passed by.

Being observant, I even noticed the lipstick smudge on the small collar part of his shirt and a large fresh hickey on his neck. Both showing that he had just been doing it with some chick somewhere. I could smell it too as he neared me.

I was then surprised as he pulled me to him and grabbed my butt, he then looked to be moving closer to place his unwanted lips into mine. Unable to help myself, I impulsively slapped him so hard that you could hear the loud sound echo as my hand met his skin. This quickly made him let me go.

"What the hell babe, is this how you treat your boyfriend? The same boyfriend who decided to visit after being told that you were still at the Castle." He then said to me in a winy tone while rubbing his cheek.

I looked at him with wide eyes, wondering why the Princess had chosen to date such a shameless player like him. Was it for his looks? Because, brain-wise, he seemed to not have much.

"By boyfriend do you mean a sleazeball such as yourself that has been playing around with other girls behind my back," I quickly said deciding to confront him. I did not want to have him try to kiss me again because I am his so-called girlfriend.

"How did you know, did Stephany tell you what we were doing? I swear babe, she was the one who made me have sex with her. It was not my fault." he then said now looking panicked. Every word coming of his mouth made me feel like slapping him again but I instead gave him a fierce look with my arms crossed,

"Look, I am breaking up with you. So, don't ever come near me again or I will have my bodyguards beat you to the pulp or even better bite the chunks out of your werewolf ass," I then added seriously with my ghettoness coming out a bit.

"Ariana babe, are you sure you are doing the right thing by breaking up with me. Me, Cody Mathews. The most popular guy in high school." He then said while raising his one eye as if that would make him look hotter or convince me. The jerk even dared grip my arm with his hand.

"I do not give a damn, bye asshole." I quickly shouted while roughly shaking his hand off and left him looking at me speechless.

Princess Ariana better thank me, I had done her a favor. I quickly thought with a smirk.

As I neared the pool room, I heard two female voices. I almost winced at the noise and the way they seemed to be talking. It sounded annoying.

"So, girl, yesterday I met up with an Alpha's son from another pack. As soon as I told him I was from the Royal pack, he started feeling me and I was feeling him. He was like my place or yours, and I was like we can do it anywhere. And he was like okay and took me to his car..." as the story went on, I almost felt like covering my ears as the girl seemed to be retelling her whole escapade in detail to the other female.

Luckily, they had not seen me yet,

The other female was also the same as she started boasting about some Yacht boat trip she had just gone too, hooking up with some businessman in Dubai to the expensive purse she had bought.

I realized I could not make myself sit down and chat with these girls. I hated talking about shallow things, I preferred being on my own.

I passed by the pool door walking as quickly as I could, hoping they had not seen me. But seems luck was not on my side as I heard them quickly stand up and their footsteps echoed loudly as they followed after me.

"Ariiii wait, its us" they shouted sounding annoying to me.

I quickly stopped walking, knowing they would keep running after me and shouting. I quickly wondered how they were able to run so fast with those long heels of theirs.

"Hello bestie, did you not like see us," One of them quickly said while doing a hand motion with her hand. Both of them had brunette hair with light highlights. There were also dressed in fancy designer clothes.

"Yeah girl, we heard from our dad through mind link, that you were still at the castle and decided to come for some girl time. We have so much we wanna do. I am thinking pedicure and manicure, then we visit that tanning booth plus a shopping spree. Because girl, I really need some more clothes, there is this new design called Fenty by Rihanna which just came out..." I felt like drowning myself in a river as the other girl started continuing on and on.

"Look, Bethany and Betty, I have somewhere I really need to go to without you. So, leave me alone for a bit," I quickly uttered stopping the other girl from talking. They both quickly eyed me with shocked eyes.

I instead quickly walked away before they could start more of their talking. I could not help but sigh in relief as soon as I reached my room again. I then stayed there all afternoon, playing phone games on my phone until the battery died. A guard then came and told me my father; The King was calling for me.

I quickly got off the bed with a smile at thought of my mission soon to be complete and headed for his office.

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