Chapter 9

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"@RandomThoughts: "  I hate when people ask u "do you drink? "Like of course I drink I have water every day & when I want to loosen up a bit I have a juice box."


Chapter 9

Zendaya's POV

So here I was now waiting for werewolf King to take and lead me to the thing I was here for. My phone was off because of the battery and so I was not able to update Godfather or Miles.

But everything was going as planned. Once the King led me to the artifact, I would pretend to want to look at it by myself. Then I would steal it, hide it, and make sure the King did not go back to check it.

After that, I would quickly leave before the real princess came back. Then it would be a successful mission gone right. Godfather's client would get their magical stick artifact and I would get my money.

"Come let's go," The King quickly said after standing up from his desk and giving me a loving fatherly smile. I also gave him one back and followed while hiding a victorious smirk.

After leaving his office, he started leading us to the upper wing of the castle and started telling me the story behind that so-called magical scepter.

"We call it the magical scepter. No one knows where it came from but It was found and first used by an evil woman named Scarlet. For you see my daughter, A great war happened 100 years ago, started and caused by her. Her great hatred for Vampires caused her to control the werewolves, forcing them to do her bidding which was killing Vampires until they neared extinction." As the King told me the story, I could not help but notice the pained look on his face as he told it to me. As if he was reliving it all.

"Luckily your aunt, the previous Vampire Queen Sonia, was able to thwart that plan and reunited the werewolves and Vampires in the war. Upon seeing her defeat, it seemed Scarlet had something up her sleeve. And it was the same magical scepter key, which she used to release unspeakable horrors that almost wiped us all off. But If it was not for Sonia again having special friends, then we would have all been dead and the earth would be in chaos right now." As the werewolf king told me this, I could not help but feel guilty.

If what he was telling me was true, by stealing that half of the scepter key, how sure was I that Godfather's contact would not use it for evil?

"Sadly the other half was stolen from the Vampires by a spiteful Vampire woman named Cassandra. And so, I put all these security measures to make sure she does not get this other half too." He then said finishing his story.

I was now hoping inside that it was not this spiteful Vampire woman who was paying me to steal this. Maybe it was some other good person wanting it, I quickly said trying to convince myself. But then again, I was even doubting all this magical bullshit being true. A magical scepter that can be used to take over the world? Oh please.

Right now all I would care about was getting this done, leaving and getting my money. I could not go back to being poor and living in the streets as I had been my whole life.

"The vault with the half is placed behind a secret door in the bedroom where I sleep every night." The King then added as we climbed some stairs and entered the upper wing.

We first entered the room, and I can say that this room was much larger and grander than the one of the princesses. It was totally made for a King and Queen.

He then walked to the nearby bookshelf that was near the fireplace. I watched attentively as he removed three books in a specific pattern. I then looked as the bookshelf moved by itself and opened to reveal a secret doorway. Next, to open the doorway it required his fingerprint and eye scan.

After the door opened, there was this titanium and really strong safe box. But The next step to open it was weird.

"In order to open this, it was spelled so that only my blood and that of my kin can open it. It requires a single drop of that blood to open." the King then said to me so that I could know why he had taken a small knife out.

"Do you want to come and try?" he then said offering me the small knife to use a drop of my blood.

Panic had almost overtaken me as he would find out I was not the real princess or his child if I did it.

"No thank you, Dad. I would rather you do it this time." I quickly shook my head to say no.

"So my werewolf baby is afraid of a little knife?" he quickly playfully teased me then went back to opening it.

I looked excitedly as he was about to make a small cut on his finger. My mission was almost complete.

But It was then that something really horrible, happened.

"Daaaaaaad," a female girly voice shouted while entering the room.

I quickly froze where I was and so did the King. He first looked at me and then looked at the real Princess Ariana who had just entered.

As for me, all I felt was dread. My plan had just got ruined and I was now caught red-handed. There was no way I could lie out of this.

"But why did she have to come in, Just when I was so close to getting the artifact." I quickly thought with frustration. Heck, the King had now only been left with dropping a single drop of blood to open the vault.

That Princess was supposed to still be stranded in some faraway place. But now I felt at loss on what to do. I could not run because the King was a freaking full-blooded werewolf and would probably shred me to pieces before I even reached the door.

So, I just continued standing there in fear.

"WHAT THE F-"Princess Ariana also quickly shouted upon noticing me. Her eyes quickly traced me from head to toe.

"What the hell, You look EXACTLY like ME!!!" she then quickly shouted in a panicked voice. I had to admit though, we looked totally alike which was very weird. When Miles had told me I looked similar to her, I had not thought he meant exactly alike as if we were clones or doublegangers.

It was as if I was looking at myself in the mirror.

"I really want to know exactly what is happening here. Who is my real daughter, ANSWER ME!" The King then shouted with his eyes looking like they were turning black, his wolf wanting to take over.

"I AM!" I quickly said beating the real Ariana in answering. I was so not ready to die and would try anything to get myself out of this sticky situation.

"Liar, I am the real Arianna, You IMPOSTER!" Princess Arianna then quickly shouted too while glaring angrily at me.

I almost felt hope as I saw the King now standing there looking confused. He seemed to not know who was telling the truth. Maybe I would survive this as my chances were looking up. After all, I was a really good actress.

"Shut up both of you! I don't know who the real Arianna is between you two. But I know who will." After saying that, the King then called in one of the werewolf guards and made them go call his wife the Queen.

"I am very sure that my wife will be able to tell which one of you is fake. And be warned, once I catch who is lying and has used magic to be an imposter, you shall be dearly punished." he then said while flashing his canines and looking angrier.

I could not help but almost gulp a little bit in fear. I was now totally regretting having said yes to Godfather and coming here.

Once the Queen came and said who her real daughter was, I was going to get eaten by an angry and Kingly Wolf. What a painful death I would soon suffer through.

I could only shake some more in fear as the Queen opened the door, entering the room. 

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