02| his gaze

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          Breath wavers as I slowly neared closer to the school's entrance. Fingers clutched tightly into the gray uniformed blazer as I shuffle apprehensively towards the prestigious school. My heart thumps tortuously against my chest while other mumbling students travel hurriedly past me. I could feel my palms sweat from the immense nervousness.

It had already been about a week since I settled in Kyoto, the last day to have seen Iwaizumi and my brother as well. The first few days after their departure was alright for me, spending days doing nothing but preparing for the upcoming orientation day. However, as more time passed by, I had finally realized how lonely I truly felt in this foreign city. Other than texting some junior school friends and face-timing my family, I had no social life yet. And I was genuinely afraid I would not be able to make a friend here, or else I could be alone for the next three years, something I am definitely not looking forward to, obviously. For the last few days, unfortunately, I had been rethinking my decision about attending this school.

Is it really worth it?

To leave my closest friends and family for a school only with a better reputation when I could have just attended Aoba Johsai, spending time with loved ones every day and feeling more comfortable with my surroundings?

I inwardly sighed as I arrived at the school's gate entrance, shoulders now slumped from the lack of excitement I once had. Suddenly, I detect louder murmurs deriving from what appears to be every single student as they pointed to something behind me. Deliberately twisting around, I discern a gleaming expensive vehicle stationed in front of the gates. The driver proceeds out of his driver's seat and opens the back door nearest to the school entrance.

A student descends from the vehicle, a first-year -I am assuming- seeing that everyone is as curious as me. I gape at the student in absolute awe of the tremendous confidence he manifests while walking indifferently towards the school building, completely disregarding the piercing stares from the surrounding students. For someone so young, he holds such a powerful presence, almost emperor-like. Truthfully, that is somewhat terrifying. Striking red hair charmingly framing his sharp features, and unique heterochromatic red and orange iris making him stand out even more in the crowd. He seems too— perfect.

My breath immediately hitches when his eyes suddenly connected with mine. All exterior noises instantly fall deaf to my ears, my focus now solely on his intense gaze. No emotions are surprisingly visible on his profile, an empty stare with thin lips, though I do wonder why his attention abruptly stopped on me of all people. I blush profoundly when his eyes quickly rake my body, making me insecurely squirm on the spot. As silent as ever, with one final stare into the eyes, his gaze then shifts away from me, as though we have not just spent five seconds merely eyeing each other.

I speechlessly watch him walk away, who is not sparing another single glance to anyone else.

Who is he?

| to be continued

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