Not Our Finest Hours

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"I've made a mess of things." A young girl said, solid copper arms folded in front of her.

"You're, I think, you're Treve's little sister, aren't you?" Lili asked. "Yimar, right?"

"Yes. And you are a human, right? He's, the authorities have him. They, they explained to me. He's taken up with a human."

"I know her,” Lili said.

"I don't even know why he's in custody." the girl said.

"Well, Yimar, I can't begin to tell you,” Lili said.

"But you're a grownup." Yimar sighed. "I never wanted this. I am just a kid! But that, that human, she pointed to me at the festival and I ended up in, in charge."

"Then if you're in charge, you can pardon him, right?"

"I don't know. I barely even know what he's done. Polloria had said he had broken laws, but I'm confused. I know that she did. I know that Father did. But Treve? All he did was get away."

"I don't think Polloria exactly has a reputation for truthfulness,” Lili pointed out. "Do you?"

"No, I don't suppose she does. And now she's on your side, anyway. I don't suppose what she says should continue to hold any water. Still, I hate that these things are my decision. I feel so unprepared."

"On the other side," Lili said, "my understanding is that it's more like a constitutional monarchy. The High Priestess is more of a figurehead. So they still find it odd that I suggested a multitude of priestesses, but the reality is, the High Priestess isn't a lawmaker at all."

"Huh. There is a government panel here, but I'm supposed to be running it. And I'd rather just be, well, doing anything else. And I'm being approached by men and boys."

"Oh? I think you're a little young for that."

"I know I am." Yimar agreed. "Telling me I'm pretty, when I know I'm not. I'm just a mass of arms and legs, I feel. I bump into things all the time. My mother was, she was graceful and lovely and I'm not that at all."

"I bet she was just as awkward when she was your age."

"You're kind,” Yimar said, “I know that Treve had a part in the human woman coming here. But that is our way – plus, I don't think the human woman is too upset about it now. Father, well, Father and Baden, they were a part of harming Mother. Baden is gone to your side as well. It seems that only Father is accepting his punishment."

"They'll be punished on the other side, I'm sure. It's a lot for you to worry about. Maybe trust in the other side's, my side's, system of laws and justice."

"They should dole out the worst punishment to Polloria. I should have done it from the beginning, but I didn't really understand it. I think I understand it now."

"What's your worst punishment? Is it the death penalty?"

"No,” Yimar said, “We have, it's funny. When my mother was first being, well, let's call it what it was, poisoned, once the potassium got to a certain level, it had this effect: it cut her off from the night people. We speak to any and all on the night side. As a High Priestess, we often don't have someone special. I think it's that men can be a bit, well, star struck."

"You're famous."

"Yes. I can barely imagine what it was like for her. Do you have famous, famous humans? The kind that you have crushes on and sigh about and think are wonderful but don't know you exist?"

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