The Loving Meeting

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2075 May 18
Harold met Angelica once more. They were getting to know each other a bit too soon.
Angelica asked "What were you and you're mom talking about?"
Harold responded "Its something personal."
Angelica said "Yeah but i heard my name, she doesn't like me doesn't she."
Harold said "She just remembers what you've done before."
Angelica "I understand its been a year since that happened."
Harold "How's your parents doing?"
Angelica "Their Ok"
Harold "What made you join the medical center?"
Angelica "My parents sent me here to teach me a lesson."
Harold "Must be hard not to be with then"
Angelica "I know but maybe your having a harder time you have a sibling to take care of, risking your life for Murica's mistake and you're dad even died for your family."
Harold "I know but you're the reason Im still happy."
Angelica "Thanks"
Harold "Thanks for the time really got to go."
Angelica "Meet you some other time."
Harold "Sure"

So Harold left and went to the Alicá for some lady advice.
Harold " Do you think i should ask her."
Alicá " Ask her what?"
Harold "You know the ...m word. "
Alicá "What marriage already!"
Harold "Shhhhhh they might hear you"
Alicá "Big bro your like 20 yrs old and you've met her for only 3 days."
Harold "Yeah but I love her. "
Alicá " Oh ok i see a person i like 3 days later i marry him/her. "
Harold "SHUT UP! Its not like you have one"
Alicá "Do you"
Harold "We gonna fight or are you giving me advice?!"
Alicá "You're asking advice from your younger sibling who has no experience with men, such a genius!"
Harold "Thanks for the advice midget"
Alicá "FYI i grew an inch for the past 2 years."
Harold "Yeah and I have 3 girlfriends. "(Being sarcastic)
Alicá "If you're going to insult me just leave"
Harold "Whatever you say princess"(bows and walks away)

Achievement earned: Harold learned not to marry a person you just met (Frozen Reference)

2075 May 19
Harold wakes up ready to meet Angelica and brings chocolate to share with her.
Sadly he realized she wasn't at the medical center. Looked for her nowhere to be found. He suddenly sees her with another boy having a fun time. He was so jealous he just went back home.

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