The war

34 1 0

2075 March 19
Their mother Jessica wanted to plan an assassination to the asian captain who killed her husband. She managed to get the US General to help plan the assassination. Jessica was a skilled sniper.

She managed to infiltrate the Asian base without getting caught , then she was getting prepared for the assassination. Suddenly she hears a guy reporting to their captain "Sir there seems to be a problem the US soldiers are invading our territory." The captain sent out as much soldiers he can send leaving him alone with few.

Jessica had a chance to assassinate him but the soldiers spotted her. And they captured her and tied her in a sit in a room with guards.

She had a sharp hidden knife in her sleeve an cut the ropes. She was in a fight with the 2 guard she managed to dodge all the bullets and escape with her sniper rifle. Killing the 2 guards in process.

She successfully assassinated the captain and killed 17 soldiers in the process. But when the soldiers returned from battle they found her. She killed 19 more soldiers and escaped returning to her teammates. When they tried to escape and went to the chopper they were shot a couple of times causing them non-fatal wounds. They returned to the US base with 6/37 soldiers left. And was awarded for the assassination.

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