Chapter 4

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Karrie's Pov

Well today was the day. I was moving to Forks , Washington. I was packing up my childhood home and went to live at my aunts house. She had a pretty big house and my dad would want to be around family at the moment. My aunt and my dad were best friends that's how my parents met. Apparently my dad always had a thing for my mom and vice versa.
My friends stopped by and said bye. I walked downstairs and there they were trying not to cry as was I. I hugged Vicky for dear life.

" promise me you'll behave, not only for me but for Matty as well. you're all he has Vick."

She nodded " I'm gonna miss you. " we both started crying

I hugged Matt " don't loose that big heart of yours okay" I tightened the hug

" you don't have to go you know. you can stay with me."

" it dosent work that way Matty."

" love you."

" love you too."

As I hugged Bonnie and Caroline we had to leave to catch our plane. My dad was able to get all some furniture to Uncle Charlie since he needed it. He also sold some to buyers. Why keep it? We didn't need it. My dad sold his car too and will purchase a new one in forks. My dad's co worker John is taking him to the airport. John was a 34 year old Philipino man with a wife and one kid. She's near my age but she's stuck up. Our parents were hoping we can be friends but that didn't turn out well. She had a thing for Nathan though. But, my brother is smarter than that. He dosent dig assholes.
  As my dad and John were chit chatting in the car, I was listening to my music. Screw it I couldn't listen to it on the plane. That's why I have a book in my carry on. I turned on the song Love Bites by Def Leppard. I preferred older music than today. The instruments were amazing. Nathan was texting god knows who. Before I knew it I got woken up to get to the airport. We passed security and we went to our gate. Took us about three hours to board and we were on our way.

€———————— six hours later———————-€

My aunt Carla picked us up from the airport

" you kids are growing up so fast! Last time I saw you you guys were half me height. " she told us

" I know aunt Clara. It's been forever!" Nathan said excitedly

" well , we already have your rooms set up. Nathan and Alan you guys are sharing the basement. We converted it into a master bedroom a few years ago. It's really nice! And Karri you'll share a room with Hailey. It'll be a nice way for you to catch up and do girl stuff."

I smiled " that sounds nice."

" I remember when you would come to visit you and Hailey would make forts in the living and watch tv and eat ice cream. Seems like yesterday. Well we're here guys."

We got out of the car and got our luggage out. The house was even nicer since it had a few upgrades. My aunt married her college sweetheart. My uncle was the best lawyer in town. He got paid thousands each trial. The once two story house was now three. Out came my uncle David. He was brunette with pinky toned skin. He gave us all a hug and grabbed my suitcases.
We walked in the house and the decor was beautiful. I walked to Hailey's room and she squealed

" oh my gosh! you're finally here."

She ran and hugged me.

" I'm glad you're excited. Sorry for taking over your room."

" please! I begged my mom for us to share."

I smiled as my uncle came in. He put my suitcases on my bed and walked away

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