- Cat-mas Lights (Christmas Special)

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A/N: Alright, this is roughly based on a true event...I saw it happen right before my eyes!!!...ok, ok, so it's basically a story about my cat and our Christmas lights...and some cat that lives down the street...and what happened to them when they both met.. Anyway, enjoy this really random true story! :p Also, Merry Christmas everyone! I'll be posting another Christmas special tomorrow, so I hope you enjoy this one ^_^

•Cinder's POV•

Here we go again.. I thought miserably as my two-legged food-providers began putting up the sparkly, twinkly, strangely attractive thingy-ma-bobs. They did this around the same time every year, don't ask me why. I'm a cat, since when would I understand my two-legged food-providers?

There was one the generally did the work, and occasionally my other food-providers would come out and help him put them up. One of my female food-providers would put up fancy things in the clear thing on the wall.

I watched from my spot in the bush; occasionally turning around to lick my pelt. One of my food-providers came running over to where I was, it was one of the older pets and, man, was she annoying! (A/N: That'd be me! Lol •O•)

I took off running and she chased me, wouldn't she give me a break for once?! I ducked through the gate and hissed at her, hoping she got the message. She didn't travel any further, so I flattened my ruffled pelt with a few tainted licks. I would come back later when my pets had finished outside.

---3 Hours Later---

I'd returned to my napping-shelter, and as I'd expected, my two-legged food-providers were inside resting. I decided to wander around the front and have a look at the sparkly, twinkly, strangely attractive thingy-ma-bobs. They had a lot of them set up already, but they still had a lot to do; I remember from last year, and the year before that.

I always wondered in my food-providers did this before I chose them. I also still remember when I saw them through the cage and they took me to my new napping-shelter. It was a great day, as I was finally able to roam around and get used to my new napping-shelter.

Wandering down into the big open space - outside of my territory - I began to wander. I could still smell the scents of foxes, dogs, Koalas and various birds. There was a small creek that I'd wander down to and it was always great to have a drink or try and catch some frogs.

Looking into the creek - which was almost dry due to the sun being extremely hot - I took a small drink from the trickling that was barely making it down stream. I could still see my reflection, although not very well. I was a black cat with small white lips, chest, paws and underbelly. My eyes were bright green and my whiskers were also coloured white. I began grooming myself and then settled down on a large rock situated under the trees. I'd sleep here until it was food time!

•Ralph's POV•

---2 Weeks Later---

It was that time of year again when my food-providers put up lots of new and exciting things on the walls and door. I liked this time of year, especially the day when there would be huge boxes under a tree with lots of fancy colours! I always got a new feather thing or mouse to play with. The best thing was when the mouse would suddenly move. My food-providers could move it with a stick, I don't know how, but they could.

My food-providers didn't let me outside much, but I loved it when they did. I was able to see two cats in the neighbourhood; Lily, a brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes, and a black-and-white cat with blue eyes; although I didn't know his name.

There was one cat I knew quite well. Kitty was her name, she was a brown-and-white tabby she-cat with yellow eyes. She was old, but kind. I hadn't seen her for a long time, and I was quite sad about that. (A/N: Kitty was my other cat...she passed away in October...R.I.P Kitty <3)

Actually, she lived a few napping-shelters away; the one that had the pretty things every year at this time. I loved going down to see them, it was fun chasing them as they twinkled. They didn't do it last year, I went over to have a look and the place was all black; no twinkly things anywhere. I was hoping they'd do it this year; I really enjoyed looking at the twinklies! I waited until it was dark to go around, sure enough when I arrived, they had the twinklies on!

There was even more then there were last time! I stayed in the bushes, hoping my orange and white stripy pelt would keep me hidden enough from the Two-legs. They were outside looking around at the twinkiles they had strung to their nesting place. I wanted so badly to run out and have a look around; I wanted to see everything! But I knew the Two-leg kittens would want to pet me, which I didn't mind...it's just...they had the smell of dog on their hands and clothes which I didn't like very much.

Oh well, it wouldn't hurt; I couldn't resist a good scratch behind the ears or under the chin. I went to step out, but I paused and lifted my nose to the air. Another cat!

I crouched back in the bushes; this stranger was coming towards me, I could smell them. It was a female cat; I could take her down! I saw her through the bushes, but she hadn't spotted me yet. I prepared myself to pounce...3...2...1...now!!!

I sprung out of the bushes and launched my claws at her. She jumped out of the way and retaliated; swiping my ears with her claws. She was small, but tough...and I wasn't much of a fighter. I turned to run and she came after me, hissing and spitting. We paused as we hit the next Nesting place beside the previous one.

"Get off my land!!!" The female hissed, puffing her fur up and showing her teeth and claws at me.

"O-ok! I-I'll go!" I wasn't going to fight her, what was the point? It wasn't worth it.. I turned my tail and ran all the way back to my Napping shelter.

•Cinder's POV•

Well, my owners had the twinklies on so I figured I'd wander around and have a look. These things still freaked me out...all the flashing and changing of colours was off putting sometimes, still I was really attracted to them. I wanted to wander up where the giant round-pawed thing moved. I began wandering up slowly; I wanted to enjoy the twinklies before I went for my nightly stroll. Suddenly, orange fur came flying at me and swiped its claws in my direction.

I swung around and threw my own claws at it, cuffing its ears. I took a deep breath and my eyes widened; a cat!!!

I wasn't going to let this cat take my land; it was a male, and we all know how males can be! I chased after him as he tried to take off, hissing and spitting at him; trying to look as fierce as possible.

We ended up in the next Nesting place. I puffed my fur up, trying to look bigger. I hissed. "Get off my land!!!" I bared my teeth and stretched my claws out to their full length.

"O-ok! I-I'll go!" And with that he took off. He didn't even bother putting up more of a fight...what a runt. I just sat down and took a few moments, licking my paws and wiping at any places I could have been hit. Needless to say, since that night; every time he saw me on the street, he'd scamper off to his Nesting place quicker than you could say "Don't-count-ya-mice-before-ya-eat-'em!"


(Just in case a few things were a little confusing...sorry, I tried not to be 'too human' in this story :p)

Two-legged Food-Providers/Two-legs = Human(s)

Two-leg kitten(s) = Human Child(ren)

Napping-shelter/Nesting place = A house(s)

Clear thing on the wall = Window(s)

Sparkly, twinkly, strangely attractive thingy-ma-bob/Twinklies = Christmas Light(s)

Giant round-pawed thing = A Car

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