- The Sun Will Set For You

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A/N: This was a story I wrote to hand up as an assignment, but I thought it wasn't good enough. :/ Anyway, decided I'd post it here. This was also roughly based on a friend of mine, but of course, this event never really occured; IT IS COMPLETELY FICTION. Hope you like it. :)

'I can't believe how fast time can fly. Time is a valuable thing; I mean, the clock ticks life away and it is so unreal. Honestly, I tried so hard and I got so far, but in the end, it doesn't even matter. It doesn't matter how hard you try. You wouldn't even recognize me anymore.. I've changed so much compared to when you last saw me - REALLY saw me. I've pushed as far as I can go, but now it's time for you to take the next step. You must learn how much you hurt me. Sometimes solutions aren't so simple...sometimes goodbye's the only way. I'll miss you, even if you don't miss me. Love from your daughter, Larissa.'

This was the note I had written for my parents to find. Today was the day, the day all of this ends. I was never able to do anything right. I ran away once, and no one really cared, not even my own parents. I had always dreamed of leaving this place, so why didn't I? It was the fear of death...that's why. I wanted to leave behind some reasons to be missed, but what could I leave when no one notices me in the first place?

I looked out of my bedroom window and I saw something that had become so familiar to me; flowers and cards, all given by some unknown person; the cards were always signed 'your life-line'. They must have come every night and placed them here, begging me to stay with them, but I knew I couldn't...I didn't even know who they were. I opened my window and pulled the flowers and cards inside. I read through each card, studied each flower, but no matter what, they couldn't change my mind. I was ready to erase myself from this world, from what I'd done...from what I hadn't done.

"You killed her!!! Her death was your fault, why didn't you save her?!" My mother's voice echoed in my mind as a single tear fell down my face. I was always blamed for my sister's death. She had died in a car accident, but it was her fault for getting in that car! The driver was drunk! It wasn't my fault.. But my mother said it was my fault because I hadn't 'warned her to not get into the car'. Gee, I sure didn't know that was my responsibility! I thought that was supposed to be hers! I couldn't go on living with my mother saying terrible things to me. She would always say stuff like, "You should be dead instead of lovely Heather!"

Well guess what, mum? Your dream is about to come true, I thought bitterly. I was about to do it. I closed both locks below my window; I closed both blinds and turned away. My life was ready to come to its finish. The sun is about to set for me..

I grabbed the container of white pills. I tipped a couple out into my hand and looked into the mirror. The dark rings showed under my brown eyes. My red hair was a complete mess. But now wasn't the time to worry about looks, I was about to die, so what was the point? I slowly lifted the white pills to my mouth. The scent filled my nose and I opened my mouth, ready to swallow the one thing that would kill me. Just as I was about to tip the pills in, my phone rang, causing me to jump. It was Harvey. Why would he be calling me now? Harvey was some kid from school; I didn't even know him all that well. Sure, we were in the same class and that was about it. He exchanged numbers with everyone in the class so if he forgot when an assignment was due or something like that, he could just ring one of us and ask. This is probably what it was about, but I probably couldn't help him, I barely knew when things were due myself.

I answered the phone and it was a few seconds before I spoke. "Harvey?"

"Hey, Larissa." His voice came over the line in a gentle tone.

"What do you want?" I spoke with no emotion, I wanted to end this now, I didn't want interruptions, but I didn't want anyone knowing what was going on. I always tried to hide my thoughts from people, but it wasn't easy. If I had let the phone ring on, it would have been too suspicious, I always answered my phone no matter what, not like anyone rung me that much anyway.

"Look out your window."

I frowned. What the hell was he talking about? But I did as he instructed and walked slowly over to my window. When I opened my blind, he was standing there, his phone still to his ear. "Open the window." The sound of his voice came through the phone, but instead of just hearing it, I could see him saying it too. This made tears well up in my eyes. I unlocked the window and he stepped in, hanging up his phone and slipping it into his pocket. We just stood there for a while; nothing was said between us for the longest time.

Finally, Harvey wrapped me in a tight hug. I gasped as he did so and the words he whispered to me were the sweetest I had ever heard. "I know what you've been doing. I've seen the cuts on your wrist, on your arms, on your legs...I've seen them, and there is no reason for you to do that. You're beautiful as you are, don't do this to yourself...I notice you, Larissa. Who do you think left all of those flowers and cards at your window? That was me; I did that. I want to keep you safe and keep you alive. Please don't go?"

The tears finally spilled over and I hugged Harvey back, burying my face into his chest. Now I knew someone noticed me. I had a reason to live.

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