Q/A 2.0

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A/N: Hey guys! I was swamped with school yesterday, so I couldn't update this, but I have some free time today, so... LET'S DO THIS!

@Narniarules13 asked me a bunch of questions, so I'll answer those first.

Q1. What's your first name?

A1. I don't really want to give out my entire first name, but I'll tell you that my nickname is Sarah. Pretty basic.

Q2. How old are you?

A2. I actually turned 13 last year in October.

Q3. What grade are you in school?

A3. I'm actually one year ahead, so I stand proudly at the end of 8th grade!

Q4. How many siblings do you have?

A4. I think it's 8 or something... Could be more but eight is my lucky number so...

Q5. Favorite color?

A5. Green and black. I've always thought they looked great together, but they became my favorite after I watched my first MLB episode.

Q6. Favorite hobby?

A6. I love to read. No discussion.

Q7. Eye color?

A7. My eyes are chocolate brown. Although, I've always loved blue eyes...

Q8. Am I helping?

A8. Yes, you most definitely are! Thank you!

Next, @Mystic811 asked me a few questions about the show.

Q9. Who do you hate more, Chloe or Lila?

A9. I definitely hate Lila more. Chloe is the main antagonist, and at least she doesn't lie.

Q10. What is your favorite ship in Miraculous?

A10. Marichat fans unite! Honestly, they are the cutest thing.

Q11. Who is your favorite character in miraculous?

A11. Plagg is mood. Don't question.

Q12. If you could be one person in the whole wide world, who would it be?

A12. Duh, my favorite person of all time, which is moi.

Q13. Who is your favorite akumatized victim?

A13. The Bubbler. I mean, come on guys, he looked like a bath toy! But in all seriousness here, I have to choose Evillustrator.

Q14. If you could pick a miraculous, which would it be? 

A14. Definitely the snake miraculous. I'm such a klutz, I'd be using Second Chance all the time!

Q15. Who's your favorite superhero?

A15. You're probably not even talking about Miraculous anymore, but I still have to say Chat Noir. He's so adorable!

Q16. What's your favorite book series?

A16. Favorite book series? Nancy Drew. I love mysteries!

Q17. Do you watch anime?

A17. Anyone here ever heard of Seven Deadly Sins? 'Cause that's literally the only anime I watch.

Q18. Do you prefer action or romance?

A18. I'm a hopeless romantic guys. Although, I do like a story that has a bit of both.

Q19. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

A19. I'm sort of both. When I'm around new people, I get extremely shy. But it only takes a few minutes for me to warm up to them. When I do, I tend to get quite boisterous.

Q20. What's your favorite season?

A20. Winter for sure! I can't deal with the heat at all, so I'm seriously dying right now.

A/N: I want to tag the two people that have blessed me with all these questions fro Q/A 2.0. Thank you both so much! Oh! Also, my cousin's Sweet Sixteen is tomorrow, so if you would all visit her Instagram page "xo.alyssaaaaa" and wish her a Happy Birthday, that would be AWESOME! Until next time Mon Chaton~

-Author Chan

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