United: part one "Miranda and Landon" Chapter 4

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United: part 1 "Miranda and Landon" by Stephanie Anne

Chapter Four

            Three days went by. Landon was only gone for a couple hours at a time but mostly he stayed home. When ever he was gone I found some way to pass the time. I mopped the kitchen and bathroom floors. I also vacuumed and washed the windows. The house was spotless. Landon laughed at me for cleaning a house that wasn’t even going to be his in a week. But there was nothing else to do. Nearly every night I had that same dream of Landon and me walking into a bright light. I couldn’t figure out what it meant or why I was having that dream. Every morning Landon would smile at me and I couldn’t look him in the eye without blushing.

            I took a shower twice every day, I loved being clean. One day after I showered I was looking in the mirror, towel wrapped around me, drying off my hair and I saw it. On my right shoulder blade my brand, the initials RS. Roger Shaw, the old man’s name. I knew it was there. I had a felt in every time I washed my back but this was the first time I actually saw it with my eyes, the scar was slightly raised and darker then the skin around it. It would never completely heal. Wolves only heal fully from injuries we receive on a full moon. The memory of the fire place, the red hot iron and the burning sensation flooded my body.

            There was a knock on the bathroom door. I reached over and opened it. “Hey,” Landon once the door was opened he smiled at me. “I have to go out for a while. Just letting you know.”

            “Ok.” I nodded reaching out for the spare tooth brush Landon had given me


            “Did that hurt?” He asked stepping behind me and running his fingers over my brand. His finger tips were surprisingly warm.

            “Still does…” I leaned back slightly into his touch

            “I should be back soon. Apparently I forgot to initial in one spot on some paper work yesterday.” He pulled his hand away

            “Initials are important,” I looked down into the sink “Let’s everyone know what’s yours…”

            “Haven’t we already had this conversation? Nobody owns you Miranda.” He stared at me through the mirror

            “Only a couple dozen times. Shouldn’t you be leaving?” I squeezed some tooth paste onto the brush

            “Yeah I should. Bye.” He closed the door behind him

            More days went by and every night I stared out my window at the moon. The longer we stayed here the closer we got to the full moon the close we got to me shifting. I was nervous, were we going to leave before the full moon? I went downstairs after getting out of yet another shower seeing Landen sitting on the couch watching TV. I sat down next to him, tucking my legs underneath me.

            “Not that I’m in a huge rush or anything but when do you think we’ll leave?” I asked

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