United: part one Miranda and Landon Chapter 1

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United: part 1 "Miranda and Landon" by Stephanie Anne

Chapter One

            Something was wrong. I have fought every single full moon since I got here, and I have been here for three and a half years now. But this past full moon I didn’t fight. I made the old man too much money for him to pass up even one month. A few days after the full moon I found out why I hadn’t fought. I was sitting in my cage, which was no bigger then a dog kennel, wrapped in my blanket when I heard my number called.

            “Wolf seventy-one!” The kennel guard banged on the cage door. I have seen this guy around a lot in my years here. He especially hated me; apparently I make him lose a lot of money every time he bets against me. I personally think he was one of those guys who wanted to be a police officer but for some reason was never able to become one.  “Your owner is here.”


I sat up a bit straighter to see a pair of black slacks and a pair of black dress shoes. Then that person kneeled down to look at me through the bars. “You’re not the old man.” I said pulling my blanket, which was my only form of cover in this horrible place, tighter around me. This man was not my “owner”, the one who was obviously older but not super wrinkled. This man in front of me did have the same eyes though, the same as all the other vampires. Red, blood red.

            He laughed. “No, I’m not. My name is Landon Shaw, the old man’s son.”

            “He had a son?” I questioned. I couldn’t see the old man raising a kid. I pictured him being the kind of father who only acknowledged his son when he was doing something wrong or when he was yelling at him.

            “What’s your name?” He asked, placing one hand on the bars

            “Wolf seventy-one.” I recited

            “No,” He shook his head “Your real name.”

            It baffled me that this vampire even cared to ask my name. Vampires never cared about anyone but their own kind; they are self centered and arrogant. “Miranda Elliot.”

            “Miranda, my father died a few days ago.”

            “That’s why I didn’t fight during the last full moon?” I realized

            He nodded. “I inherited everything that he owned. And as sick and twisted as it sounds that means I now own you,” A vampire that thought owning a wolf was wrong. Who was this guy? “I’m from the United, and once I’m done sorting out his affairs, I want to take you back with me. So you can go home.”

            “Seriously?” I couldn’t believe it. I nearly started crying.

            “Seriously,” He smiled “I can’t leave Vampire territory for at least another week or two. But I can get you out of here,” He tapped on the bar with his knuckles “Now.”

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