Chunin Exams Part 3

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Snakes emerged from Orochimaru's neck and they connected with his body connecting the severed head with the body. Shisui looked at him his mangekyou shining and his grip tight in his tanto.

"Kukuku such a look Shisui-kun. Jealous that I don't need you anymore"-said Orochimaru and Shisui didn't said a thing he glanced at Naruko and smiled at her, then he drifted his eyes to Orochimaru and watched him with hatred.

"Ah you were jealous because I was going to give her my mark. Aren't you a little too old for her"-taunted Orochimaru but Shisui didn't respond. Orochimaru frowned.

"But that doesn't matter she's mine and she will come with me. After all I have what she wants, the secrets of Uzumaki clan and she is the last heir of the clan."-said Orochimaru and Shisui watched Naruko widen her eyes. He snapped and ran at Orochimaru coating his sword on fire. Orochimaru smirked and sunk im the ground but his last words repeated in Shisui's head.

"She's going to come after me, after all she's Madara's heir"

Soon Sasuke and Sakura arrived and Shisui shunshined away before they could see him.

"Naruko are you okay"-asked Sasuke but Naruko didn't answered. She was thinking about the secrets of Uzumaki clan. Was Orochimaru lying, would she go with him, after he said s so himself, she was the heir of Madara. But her father sacrificed himself for the village, the same was for her mother. Could she leave the village to go with Orochimar. No she couldn't, she had her family here, they could be devastated. Sasuke and Sakura were looking at Naruko in concern, she wasn't responding. Sasuke shook her but she kept looking at nothing and then she passed away. Soon they were attacked by Oto-nins. Sasuke told Sakura to look after Naruko as he ran at the attackers. He sent a huge fireball at them but one of them sent a air blast through some machine in his hand and dispersed the attack.

"We only want Madara's heir"-said a boy. He had bandages covering most of his face, leaving only his left eye uncovered. He also wore a large poncho with long sleeves, a snake patterned scarf around his neck, a straw raincoat protruding from the back of his scarf, and a large amplifier on his right arm for most of his attacks. His back was hunched, which made him look smaller than he actually was. He had short black hair.

"Dosu is right step back and we will spare you"-said the girl. She had fair skin, black eyes with very long black hair, almost reaching down to the ground, tied by a violet ribbon right near the end. She wore a headband i  her forehead, a pale green vest somewhat similar to a flak jacket , snake patterned pants with a snake patterned skirt over it, and a snake patterned scarf around her neck.

"Well Kin and Dosu might spare you but me no"-said the boy who countered the fireball and lunged at Sasuke laughing. He had spiky, black hair and dark eyes. He wore a beige shirt with two black stripes and three prints of the kanji for death, down the front. His forehead protector had an attached happuri under the cloth rather than connected to the metal plate. As with his teammates  Dosu and Kin, he wore a snake-patterned scarf around his neck. Sasuke scoffed and was ready to fight him but Lee came flying from a tree and kicked the boy in his chin.

"Zaku you idiot"-scoffed Dosu and charged at Lee, Kin went after Sakura but Sasuke appeared im front of her and punched her in the gut and placed her under a genjutsu using his sharingan. He went after Zaku and Zaku sent two air blasts from his arms at Sasuke who replaced himself with a log and appeared in a branch. He sent several small fireballs at Zaku and used and Zaku dispersed the flames with his air blast, but he was shocked too see that Sasuke had hid shurikens inside the fireballs. He dodged some of them but three struck him. Sasuke ran at him and used his 'Lion Barrage' a taijutsu style which he had created after copying Lee's 'Strong Fist' and modifying it. After he knocked Zaku out he looked at Kin who had woken and saw her holding Sakura from her hair and was telling her she wasn't a real ninja. Sakura remembered Naruko's words and cut her hair, she used Kin's shock and impaled her kunai at her thigh. Sasuke smirked and ran at Kin. He kicked her away and then saw Lee fell in the ground. Dosu smiled but his smile fell when he saw his teammates beaten. Kin recovered and went by his side and Zaku woke up.

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