Chapter Fifteen

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"I, Beetlestar, leader of ThunderClan call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code and I condemn her as a warrior in her turn." Beetlestar meowed, his voice loud but hollow. "Viperpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Viperstrike. StarClan honors your ferocity and courage and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." The leader rested his muzzle on Viperstrike's head and she licked his shoulder.

"Viperstrike!" The new warrior heard Armani's excited call before any of her other Clanmates yowl her new name.

"Viperstrike!" Amari joined in, followed by Xena, Allie, Amra, and Dovebelly.

"Viperstrike! Viperstrike! Viperstrike!" The Clan cheered and Viperstrike dipped her head in embarrassment before slinking off to sit with Armani.

"Congratulations!" Purred the brown apprentice, nudging the she-cat with her shoulder.

"Thanks," Viperstrike licked her chest bashfully and looked up at Beetlestar, who looked like was in another world.

"There's one more ceremony I must perform," he meowed and the Clan fell silent. "Echopaw, please come forward."

The medicine cat apprentice padded toward her leader, her head high and her eyes gleaming. Behind her, Dustynose watched her apprentice proudly.

"Dustynose, has Echopaw proven that she can heal her Clanmates and is worthy of becoming the Clan's next medicine cat in your place?" Beetlestar asked, looking at his medicine cat.

Dustynose dipped her head. "She is, Beetlestar." She meowed, her voice strong and proud.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I grant you your full medicine cat name." Beetlestar looked at Echopaw, who was holding her breath and holding his gaze steadily. "Echopaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Echolight. StarClan honors your kindness and determination and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of ThunderClan."

"Echolight! Echolight! Echolight!" Cheered the Clan as the newly named she-cat dipped her head.

"Meeting dismissed," Beetlestar meowed and leaped down from the Highledge before disappearing into his den.

Viperstrike watched Echolight grin and bound toward Dustynose, her eyes shining. She chuckled and looked behind her as Amari's scent washed over her.

"Congratulations, Viper." He purred and sat down next to her.

"Thanks, Amari." Viperstrike looked gratefully at the tom. "My sister should have her warrior name right now." She let out a sigh and her good mood dampened slightly.

Amari cast her a surprised look out of the corner of his eye. "You have a sister?" He questioned.

Viperstrike nodded and shifted her paws. "She was killed by Applefrost when she tried to kill me." Her claws unsheathed and dug into the ground.

"Applefrost is the queen in the nursery," Amari looked across the camp to where the red-orange tabby was ducking into the nursery. "I thought queens don't fight."

"They don't," Viperstrike felt bitterness rise in her throat and it slipped into her mew. "But when Poppypaw had me pinned to the ground, my father and Applefrost showed up and Applefrost slaughtered my sister."

Amari rested his black-striped tail across her shoulders, his eyes soft. "I'm sorry for your loss, Viper." He meowed, his voice genuine. "What do you think about going hunting with me? It'll be fun."

Viperstrike looked up at the tom, her eyes wide. "Could we drag Armani along?" She asked.

Amari nodded, his whiskers twitching. "Why don't you go fetch her and we'll head out." He suggested.

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