Chapter Three

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Horrible screeching made Viperkit yelp, surprising herself and the other she-cats in the den. "What was that?" She asked, looking to Dustynose and Echopaw's nests.

Dustynose scrambled to her paws as Echopaw opened her eyes. "That was Badgerstorm," she mewed, her eyes wide and tail lashing.

Echopaw's eyes widened in horror and fear. "Is she kitting?" She asked, eyes darting to the herb store then to Viperkit.

"Only one way to find out, Echopaw." Dustynose hurried across the den to Viperkit and looked her in the eye. "Can you hold down the den while we're gone?"

Viperkit straightened, fully awake. "You can count on me, Dustynose." She meowed, her chest puffed out.

Dustynose smiled and rubbed the fur on Viperkit's head with a paw and turned to Echopaw. "Get herbs in case she's kitting and I'll meet you in the nursery." She meowed and rushed out of the den without another word or glance.

A moon passed since Echopaw had taken Viperkit out of the medicine cat's den on her shoulders and her bite wound had healed nicely. Now, Viperkit longed for the moment she would be free from the herb-scented cave.

"We'll be back soon, Viperkit." Promised the voice of Echopaw as she rushed out of the den.

"You'd better!" Viperkit called after her, chuckling to herself as she yawned and stretched. Circling her nest, she curled into a comfortable ball and closed her eyes, darkness consuming her at once.

When she opened her eyes again, she was in a dark, murky, foggy forest with a rancid scent and no scent of delicious, warm prey. Viperkit rose to her paws, seeing out of the corner of her eye that a tree was behind her. The tree was leafless and it loomed over her, making her feel smaller than a moon and a half old kitten. "Where am I?" She whispered in a small, scared voice.

"My favorite forest, little one." Purred a slick, calm voice as a large white and gray tom slipped out of the shadows and approached Viperkit. His shoulders rippled with muscle as he headed toward the kit. When the she-kit let out a startled yelp, he stopped. "Don't be afraid, little kit, I'm not going to harm a hair on your pelt."

Viperkit narrowed her eyes and unsheathed her claws, tail lashing back and forth. "Who are you?" She demanded, her voice giving away nothing but how much she was trembling inside. Her legs quivered and her paws shook as they tried to get away from the strange cat.

The white and gray tom inched closer toward her, his eyes gentle. "My name is something you Clan cats shouldn't have forgotten so quickly, Viperkit." His slim tail flicked over his mouth in false surprise. "I shouldn't have said your name, little one."

Viperkit stared at the tom. "How do you know my name?" She asked.

"I know a great deal about you, Viperkit." Meowed the tom as he padded around her and clawed his way up the dead tree behind her. Viperkit followed him with her eyes as he lounged on a thick branch. "You have a sister bearing the same name of a cat long dead, you were named after your tabby stripes, and your eyes are orange just like mine."

Viperkit blinked in shock and shifted her paws nervously. "What's your name? My father has never spoken of you before." She meowed, seeing slight amusement flash in his orange eyes.

"Your father has never spoken of me?" Viperkit nodded and he let out a wry laugh. "Don't blame him, honestly. A cat as great as me shouldn't be brought up when in front of impressionable kits such as you and your sister."

"I asked about your name," she interrupted sharply. "Not your life story."

The tom's tail kinked at the tip in surprise, then he let out a bellowing laugh. "Very snappy, just like me." He purred and tilted his head at her. "Why do you ask, little one?"

"Because you aren't in my Clan," she meowed. "Are you in another Clan?"

"You could say that, Viper." He chuckled and unsheathed his claws as he yawned and stretched. "However, I'm not like the cats inside the other five Clans."

Viperkit sat down, her tail flicking over her front paws. "Why do you say that?" She asked.

"Because I'm not the one who leads a pathetic, weak, and soft-hearted Clan." He meowed. "You see, little one, I'm the leader of a Clan greater than the other five. I lead a Clan full of strong, loyal, and powerful warriors who train apprentices without mercy."

"What about your name?" Viperkit meowed. She cocked her head to the side and the tom raised an eyebrow. "You've said all this great stuff about yourself and your so-called Clan, but you never said your name."

The tom chuckled quietly and Viperkit's tail twitched in irritation. How hard is it to say your name? "Little one, my name is Rushstar. I'm your father's brother and your uncle."

Viperkit stared at the leader in shock, her mouth open. "W-what?" She meowed, blinking. "Why hasn't Scarredbelly or Applefrost spoken about you?"

Rushstar shrugged. "I'm not a ThunderClan cat," he paused. "Well, not anymore, that is." Viperkit opened her mouth to speak but before she could, the tom began to blur in front of her. "Looks like you and I are waking up, little snake." He purred and flicked his tail, eyes dancing. "I'll see you soon, little Viper."


"Aren't they beautiful, Viperkit?" Breathed Badgerstorm as she gazed fondly at her three newborn kits. Born yesterday afternoon, the kits were as small as a squirrel's bushy tail.

Viperkit nodded, though she felt uncomfortable at the sight of the three sleeping bundles. Is this how my life will play out? She suppressed a shudder of discomfort. Will I have to bear the thought of being a mother? "They're very...cute." She meowed, averting her eyes away from Badgerstorm. It's not like I need like the kits.

"Viperkit!" Poppykit exclaimed, bounding toward her littermate with her tail high. "About time you were able to come back!"

Viperkit snorted and twitched her whiskers at her sister. "Like you didn't revel in the love and attention Applefrost and Scarredbelly gave you." She retorted, but amusement crept into her voice as she spoke.

Poppykit's ears flattened playfully and she leaped at her littermate, knocking her off her paws and rolling in the dust. Viperkit raked her paw across Poppykit's cheek, claws sheathed, and let out a playful snarl. "I'll get you for that!"

"Yeah, right!" Viperkit ducked as a paw headed for her face and she sprang apart from her sister, tail lashing as she circled Poppykit. Rearing on her hind legs, Viperkit lashed out, aiming for her shoulder before dropping on all fours and lunging for Poppykit's belly and pinning her to the ground, her paws at her throat. "Got you!"

"Kits!" Applefrost's scolding voice made Viperkit turn her head to where her mother was lying in her nest, her tail flicking in annoyance. "Don't trample Badgerstorm's new litter!"

"We aren't!" Viperkit argued, annoyed that she had to butt in and stop their fun. Wasn't she a kit once?

"I'm not taking that chance," her mother retorted and looked her and Poppykit over swiftly. "Now come here, you're filthy!"

Poppykit groaned and fell into step with her sister, her ears pinned to her head and tail dragging behind her. "Leave it to Applefrost to kill the fun." 

 "I heard that!" 

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