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Charlie sat beside Izzy in the infirmary with Clary, who was currently unconscious due to the demon venom

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Charlie sat beside Izzy in the infirmary with Clary, who was currently unconscious due to the demon venom. She had become quite familiar with Izzy as they conversed while they both helped treat Clary. She had found out that Alec was Izzy's brother and that their parents were the Lightwoods, a famous Shadowhunter family and the head of the institute.

"I have never seen my brother so captivated with someone other than himself, not until you," Izzy said as she smiled embarrassing Charlie as her cheeks heat up.

"Your brother seems to be-" Charlie tried to ask as Clary's body stirred causing her to jump up.

"What happened? Where am I?" She said confused, being cautious of Izzy. "Charlie?"

"Jace saved you from the demon. I'm Izzy, Jace's adoptive sister." Izzy told her as Clary propped herself up in the bed, her eyes darting around the room taking it in.

"I've never seen Jace so curious about a mundane."

"Yeah, and who brings a mundane into the institute without clearing it with the Clave, or even the head of the Insititute?" Alec's annoyed voice spoke while he walked into the room with Jace.

"She's not a mundane." Jace and Charlie said synchronically, earning another eye roll from Alec.

"The seraph blade lit up when she touched it," Jace told him as he took a seat on the edge of the bed beside Clary as Alec stood between Izzy and Charlie, his height towering over both of the girls.

"Excuse me, but where am I? All I know is my mum was taken and-"

"I'm Jace Wayland."

"I'm Clary Fr-" She tried to say as she was cut off

"Fray, yeah we know."

"Am I the only one who finds this unusual?" Alec said annoyed again, earning a slap on the back of the head from Charlie, which Izzy and Jace laughed at. Alec glared at Charlie before rubbing the back of his head.

"I'm going to report this to the Clave, it's suspicious that two Shadowhunters have turned up out of the blue." He quickly said as he walked out of the room with Izzy and Charlie following.

"I love you Alec, but you need you to dial it down-"

"I agree with Alec," Charlie said earning a confused look from both of the siblings, "He's just doing his job, we've just turned up, we could be secret circle members trying to kill you from the inside."

Once she finished speaking she quickly turned around and hurried away from them, trying to find a secluded area, which was hard as she didn't know the place. She was walking down an empty corridor as her phone started ringing, making her rush to answer because she didn't want anyone to find her.

"Simon, hey!" She whispered as she stood in a dark corner.

"Charlie Rose? Where are you, find a friend says your outside an abandoned church. By the way, your dad is going crazy trying to find you, and-"

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