chapter 13

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Emberpaw padded though the snow towards camp, holding a rabbit in her jaws. Ravenblaze was a pace behind her, carrying a pair of mice and a thrush, also caught my Emberpaw. They passed Blazefur, the deputy, as they entered the camp, receiving a cheerful purr.

'Well done, Emberpaw! Did you catch this all yourself?' 

'The fire-river is surrounded with prey. If I were you, I'd send more hunting patrols there'

Blazefur nodded, and Emberpaw placed her rabbit on the meagre freshkill pile, and ravenblaze put the rest of her catch down with it. The apprentice thought for a moment, and took one of the mice from the pile again.

'I'm going to take this to Brightleaf. I haven't seen her for ages, greencough must be getting worse.' 

'Good idea! Maybe you could take the rabbit instead and she can share it with the sick cats in there.'

Emberpaw obediently took the rabbit again and dragged it towards the medicine cat den, entering at a 'come in' from Brightleaf. 

'Emberpaw! Thank you!' The medicine cat meowed gratefully. Since Emberpaw had last checked, Cinderstripe and one of her kits had fallen ill to the deadly disease, as well a Sootfur.  Brightleaf tore up the rabbit, giving pieces to each of the sick cats, as well as a couple of leaves of catmint, which seemed to be running low. 

'I'll be going out to get more tomorrow - there's a twoleg place between Peaceclan and Meadowclan territory that has some.' 

Emberpaw nodded, and left the medicine den with a farewell flick of her tail. She took a shrew from the fresh-kill pile and went to eat it outside the apprentice den. Foxtail, her brother padded over and sat beside her. 

'Hey, we've got dawn patrol tomorrow with Ravenblaze, Briarheart and dappledpaw tomorrow. Get some rest so you're ready for it!'

Emberpaw nodded, and Foxtail rushed away, taking a mouse from the freshkill pile. She pawed into the den and lay down, getting an early sleep for her patrol. 

The next day dawned bright and sunny, a bitter breeze blowing through the Flameclan territory. Emberpaw padded swiftly through the paths formed in the glaring white snow. She met the patrol outside the camp and with a purr of greeting, they set off.

As they walked, Brightleaf's fragrant scent drifted through the trees and the medicine cat rushed passed on her journey to get the needed herbs.

Ravenblaze nodded to her before veering towards the border with peaceclan. They padded along a bit, reaching the border and going along. 

Suddenly, a loud caterwaul echoed across the territory, loud enough for Meadowclan to hear. It was Brightleaf.

The patrol ran towards the sound, seeing the gentle cat fending off a fierce fox. With a hiss, foxtail leapt at it, clawing it's fur out in russet clumps. In the scuffle, emberpaw clawed the creature's leg and Dappledpaw nipped at it before leaping back.

The fox shook off foxtail, sending the warrior tumbling in the dust. Ravenblaze took his place, only to be knocked off and pinned to the ground. Brightleaf lay on the ground, her hindleg bleeding badly.

A startled Snowclan patrol watched at the border. Ravenblaze yowled for them to help but they stood, like they'd been frozen solid. Briarheart eventually dragged the fox away, clawing at it again and again until it yelped with pain and ran off.

Foxtail turned to the Snowclan cats.

'didn't you hear our medicine cat wailing in pain? Or were you too busy hunting!'

Warrior cats: Snow and Briars DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now