chapter 6

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A large quantity of meowing woke emberpaw. Someone had woken up all the other cats and now everyone was arguing sleepily. Ravenblaze tripped over Willowpaw and Briarheart was trying not to get pushed out the den. emberpaw stood up and tried to find an exit through the throng of cats. instead of gong through the normal entrance, she slipped past hollypaw, who was bundled up beside the prickly branches, and pushed her way through the twigs and bracken. She shook off leaves and thorns stuck in her pelt and went to see whet the chaos looked like from the other side.

Ravenblaze had finally got out of the tangle and joined emberpaw by the entrance. Hollypaw was escaping through emberpaw's route and Willowpaw had fallen into the brook the medicine cat den's side of the camp. Briarheart nipped moonflower's ear annoyedly and the she-cat yowled loudly, shocking everyone and sent greyfur, who'd also made the mistake of sleeping there, tumbling into Dappledpaw. she pulled herself out to stand with emberpaw and Ravenblaze. Moonflower crept out and greyfur regained control of his legs.

Very soon everyone was out and Lionstar, who'd been watching, spoke. 

'we will have to extend the apprentice den to fit everyone in. emberpaw, Dappledpaw, find some fallen branches around the territory and thread them into the walls, greyfur, start breaking up sticks from the current walls. Ravenblaze, moonflower and Willowpaw, get some large branches and make supports. If we work hard, we will have his done by sundown.' 

Emberpaw ran off into the marshes, followed by her sister, to find suitable things. the last of the melting snow had gone leaving a warm day. they found a wild rose plant growing up a tree and emberpaw tussled with it to pull off a long string of briars. Dappledpaw helped break it into smaller pieces and, trying not to get prickled, rushed back to camp.

Along the way, emberpaw caught a scent of squirrel. She dropped the branches and pinpointed it, scrabbling for nuts near a large willow tree. She stalked it for a bit, remembering her training. It's head perked up and emberpaw leapt, grabbing the fleeing rodent in mid-air and killing it instantly. She scampered back to her sister and tripped on the briar plant.

The squirrel bounced away and emberpaw struggled with the spiked enemy. Dappledpaw rushed over and pulled the plants off, ignoring the scratches it produced. Emberpaw tore off pieces and soon she was freed. She picked up the squirrel and Dappledpaw looked back at the remainder of the plants.

'I'll take this, you take the squirrel. Lionstar will be pleased to see more freshkill.' Emberpaw ran on, reaching the camp and padding inside, followed by Dappledpaw. Lionstar saw them and nodded. Emberpaw put the squirrel on the freshkill pile and helped her sister weave in the plants. She was surprised at how well it was going, the posts had been placed and Willowpaw was weaving the twigs from the old wall in, helped by Ravenblaze and moonflower. Greyfur threaded sticks into a make-shift roof, also from the old wall. Emberpaw grabbed a briar and poked it between the supports, yanking it back around again. Dappledpaw grabbed another and continued on the other side. By the time the sun was a it's peak, they'd run out of sticks. Emberpaw raced off again with her sister and returned with more. Very soon after, it was done.

'well done everyone! Now, we ned more freshkill. Ravenblaze, moonflower, take your apprentices out hunting. We need more to make the most of the thaw. All the mice and rabbits will be out.

Ravenblaze nodded and lead emberpaw out of the camp and towards the marshes. As emberpaw scented a smell of mice, she crouched and crept towards it, killing when she was close enough. Ravenblaze purred with happiness and swiftly caught a squirrel snuffling for food. A chaffinch twittered in the treetops and emberpaw watched it flutter down to a lower branch. She leapt up the tree, gripping to the bark with her claws. Soon she could jump and catch it.

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