Chapter 2

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The Apprentice den was empty except for hollypaw, who was still sleeping, when emberpaw woke. She dashed out, looking around excitedly for Ravenblaze. Spying the black furred warrior speaking with Briarheart outside the rocky cavern, covered in brambles that served as a den for the Warriors. She scampered eagerly over and batted her mentor's leg. Failing to get his attention, she sat on his tail and slowly kneaded it with her sheathed paws.

Ravenblaze span around to see the annoyance that kept worrying his long, black tail. Emberpaw looked up at him expectantly with large, green eyes.

'I talked to Briarheart about training and we agreed to see the marches together.

'Dappledpaw is coming with us? That's great!'

The black warrior purred with laughter.

'I knew you'd like the idea!' he meowed. 'now, when Dappledpaw comes, we can leave.'

'the den was empty when I woke up. There was no one there.' Emberpaw looked around and saw her sister creeping up behind Briarheart. With an excited yowl, the apprentice leapt at her mentor and landed on her back. Briarheart flipped over, and batted the apprentice away easily.

'nice try but you were upwind, I could smell you were there.' She meowed, watching Dappledpaw shake the dust off her fur.

'shall we go now?' asked Ravenblaze 'the territory isn't going to explore itself!'

The group set off through the thorn tunnel and turned left. When they reached the top of a slope, they stopped

'this is the mound. In Greenleaf, the sun will light it up and it will be a good place to find prey.' Explained Ravenblaze.

'I can see a mouse!' emberpaw excitedly scrambled after the small creature and it scurried away.

'you won't catch mice like that!' called Briarheart. Emberpaw scampered back the mound to stand by her mentor again.

'I'll show you how to hunt later if I can see any prey.' Promised Ravenblaze.

'now, where do we go now?' emberpaw looked across the territory, looking if there was anything there of interest.

'well, if we head this way,' Briarheart meowed, walking down the rockiest side of the mound. 'we can follow the fire-river along the Snowclan border.

'will we see the flaming Highrock?' asked Dappledpaw excitedly. She ran after her mentor, stumbling on the rocks and tumbling down to stand, dusty, beside the pale brown tabby. Emberpaw leapt down, from rock to rock until she stood with her sister. Finally, Ravenblaze padded down the over slope and joining them at the bottom. Then, the 4 cats walked on, noting the lack of trees. Suddenly, just to their side, a large jet of flames rose up. Emberpaw jumped back in fear.

'this is the Flameplains. The only time prey would go there is if there was nowhere else to go.' Ravenblaze explained

'why are you showing us it if there is no prey there? I thought you were supposed to be showing us the best places!' complained Dappledpaw.

'I told you we were going to explore the entire territory. And to show you the dangers.' Replied Briarheart.

They continued, keeping away from the bursts of fire that sprayed up, shocking emberpaw every time.

'and here, is the flaming Highrock.' Meowed Ravenblaze. Ahead of them was a large rock with a crumbling top like the fire inside had burnt it away.'

Dappledpaw sat down. 'I expected it to be fierier.' She mewed. 'it just looks like a normal Highrock.' The apprentice walked onto the colourful rock.

Warrior cats: Snow and Briars DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now