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Timeskip/Pov change/ In thought

Y/N = (Your name)

L/N = (Last name)

E/C = (Eye color)

H/C = (Hair color)

(Author's note or An)


Speaking: "

(I'll be adding a character bio next chapter, this one is basically setting up the story for what's to come. Sorry for the inconvenience.)

Narrator's pov

Since the beginning of time the world has had what people would call a "supernatural" presence.

From unexplainable sightings of the paranormal, believing that spirts exist along with magic, devils and angels. So on and so forth.

In truth the majority of these things have existed. But the supernatural world has always been around, hiding in plain sight as people would say.

These supernatural beings were separated into four separate factions. The first known as the Angel faction, the second known as the Fallan Angel faction, the third known as the Devil faction, the last faction was known as the Hybrid Dragon faction. A faction made up of either half human half dragon or human beings with magical dragon blood pumping through their veins.

(Real creative on my end, said no one ever. But that's the best I could come up with that actually sounded good so sorry if it's a bit lame. Also for the sake of plot reasons the Hybrids will have a peerage system like the devils)

During the time when the four were beginning to become established, three of the four factions were at war with one another, craving nothing at the time but power to rule over the others and be the supreme faction.

During this time the devil faction was going through their own war amongst themselves and eventually was won by the younger generation of devils, only leaving behind members of an old satan faction.

Eventually peace was made between the three factions, but at the cost of many great warriors, houses and leaders on all sides killed.

The hybrid faction amidst all of this was warding off and defeating many powerful cosmic threats, enemies who were eventually killed and their souls enslaved to the afterlife by the faction. Although they did not like unnecessary bloodshed and pointless wars, they never allowed the other factions to come into contact with these beings for they'd of been potentially destroyed.

The hybrids however had help, the help came from their factions symbol, a god in it's own right to all dragons. This being was only known as the Hydra for it didn't want to be tied down to a name.

The Hydra possessed three heads, three separate minds sharing one body and is one the more powerful beings in all the cosmos. But while it would use too much off it's power helping it's kin, it would need to recuperate by resting to obtain it's full strength. It left behind a hollow human version of itself to watch it's faction grow and to help them in any way they need while it's originally went into a deep slumber in the cosmos and only to be awoken if truly needed to be.

During the great war however aside from the cosmic threats they experienced a very serious fertility problem as they weren't able to have children amongst their families. As time went on they grew to think that their faction was cursed for not at least having the three other factions come to peaceful terms.

They summoned the hollow and asked for it's guidance, it told them that because their lack in participation in the great war their inner faction moral would be tested in which consisted of their nobel royals and lower class of the faction to join together and take multiple combat related trials. If they all were to fail then the faction will eventually decay and die.

The Heir Of The G.O.D Faction (Highschool Dxd x Human Ghidorah Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now