Family Bonding

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Summary: Today is a special day for the bros and the OCs. Especially Author-chan.


        A day opens up and the scene cuts to the 7BBB's house. "Everyone packed up?", Quake asked as he looked over to his brothers and closed his luggage bag. The six gave nods in response as they also closed their bags.

        "Ellen's gonna be so surprised!", Cyclone said joyfully as he was excited about their ftiend's reaction about the family bonding.

        "She will be! Now let's go, the others must be waiting for us.", Solar remarked as he got his bag. The seven brothers exited their house, not forgetting to lock the door and have full security.

        "Hiya everyone!", a voice greeted them. They saw the rest of the gang coming up to them, also packed up. "You guys must be desperate to hang out with Ellen, huh?", Ying asked teasingly.

        "Dey, isn't it obvious?", Gopal asked in a bit of annoyance, "Of course she'll freak out when she finds out we're going to the—". He was cut off by a hand covering his mouth.

        "Eesh, don't say it out loud!", Fang scolded as he glared at his friend, "Don't you remember? It's suppose to be a surprise!".

        "Yes! Don't blow it up! She might be around and might've heard you!", Yaya added as she crossed her arms, "It wouldn't be a surprise anymore.".

        "I'm not sure Ellen is expecting to be surprised though...", Ochobot remarked after he recalled the other time, "She told me, and I quote, "There is not bright side for me because I'm just the night's asphalt.". End quote.".

        "Where the hell are we even going?", a new voice asked in annoyance. They gasped when they saw the seven elemental sisters going out with their bags also packed, of course they were coming with them. And of course, Ellen was also there with them. She is not happy about this. She was even dragged out of the house even though she doesn't wanna go anywhere but home.

        "Come on, Ellen! You're making this difficult for us!", Vale exclaimed as she and Stratus are trying to pull their friend out for the trip.

        "She has a point! I mean, we packed everything!", Stratus added as she was having a hard time of her own.

        "Why not pack the whole house? It'll only take two days to do it.", the dragged girl said sarcastically. The rest of the gang just cringed. This is not gonna be easy.


        "Yay! We're here!", Thorn cheered as they all arrived at their destination: The Beach. Everyone, except Ellen, were amazed by the view point of the large beach.

 Everyone, except Ellen, were amazed by the view point of the large beach

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        "That's it, I'm going home.", Ellen said aloud as she attempted to walk off but her OC twins grabbed her arms.

        "Oh, no you don't. We're at the beach and there's no turning back.", Flare remarked as she hugged her friend's arm, "We're gonna have so much fun!".

        "Let's check on the rooms first.", Glaze said in a cool tone. They both walked off with Ellen in their grasps, leaving everyone else in shock and confusion.

        "Well at least nothing else can go wrong...", Eclipse remarked then she looked to her side, "Right, Dollie?". She gasped when she saw Dahlia wasn't with her.

        "Onee-chan!!", she heard the youngest yelled with a squeal. She saw Dahlia running up to a teen girl wearing a black slash indigo rash guard swimwear. Then she hugged her. The teen was actually Aura, who turned around and smiled at Dahlia.

        "Hello Sweetie.", she greeted as she hugged back... While shooting a devilish smirk at Eclipse. The spectacled girl growled as she felt her blood boiling in anger.

        "Eclipse, calm down. We don't wanna blow this up.", Breeze said as she tried to calm down her sister, who now has glowing eyes, "Eh... Who wants to go swimming?". Everyone else agreed on the choice.

        "You guys go on ahead. I gotta help with the lunch preparation. And make sure Ellen doesn't hurt herself.", Ochobot said then went off with Quake following. Everyone was worried about Ellen, but had the feeling she will be back to herself again.

(A/N: So the beach days will be on for 10 chapters. Then it's back to the house.)

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