Chapter 25: Finale

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🎓Third Person🔪

7 years later....

Class 3-E successfully graduated without a hitch, aside from the sudden dropping out of Karma Akabane, which none of them knew the reason why aside from the direct persons involved. Those persons decided to keep quiet. not wanting the matter to explode and hurt those that are affected by the circumstances. 

Nagisa Shiota, one of the 'direct persons involved', sat on his light blue sofa in the living room silently. Everything was peaceful and it was Saturday, meaning he has no work. He already finished the reports that he will need by next week and now he doesn't know what to do next. 

"Mom is probably out hanging with her friends, I don't want to call her if I'll just disturb her....Korosensei is still resting, I guess." He sighed and slid his back to lay down. Just as he was about to close his eyes, his phone on the brown coffee table rang. Lazily, he reached out and grabbed the noisy device before answering, not even bothering to look at the caller's ID. 


"[Hey, Nagisa.]"

His closed eyes opened in surprise, blue orbs brightening as he heard the voice on the other end of the line. 

"Manami! How are you?"  He excitedly asked and straightened his position. The last time they talked was when they graduated, which was a year ago. Class 3-E was given a special course, in which they can achieve their chosen profession years earlier as long as they passed the examination. Manami, as expected, decided to become a scientist. Though she chose neurotic drugs as her main interest, she also applied for psychology in hopes of gaining more knowledge towards human behavior. 

"[Hehehe, I'm fine, Nagisa. It's just a bit chaotic here in the research lab even after Korosensei's treatment. Thay's why I've been busy even though I'm in a differemt department.]" She explained, which was accompanied with a long sigh as if to emphasize her tiredness. Nagisa laughed a little in comfort and pity towards his friend.

"Well, that's tough. In my case, I am still doing paper works instead of direct teaching, though the head of the office said that I'll probably be sent as an online teacher first." He then raised to grab water from the kitchen, still listening to Manami who is, according to her, on break.

"[That's great! That means they acknowledge you already.]"

"Yeah..." Nagisa replied and lightly breathed out. " Even though there are still others that are skeptical with how I got my license..."

"[Ah, I totally feel you,]" Manami grumpily seconded. "[At first, some researchers here doesn't believe my skills. I almost threw them my grades and research papers to slap their faces.]" Nagisa's eyes widened in amusement and laughed out. He remembered back then that he thought Manami was a silent and shy kind of girl. Well technically she is, until you get close to her. She is bubbly and friendly, even more than Kayano. And Nagisa is thankful for that.

For the seven years, Manami was the one by his side. He also had his other friends, but it was only her who knew what happened and never did she judge him. They grew closer to each other and eventually became best friends.

When her life was in danger, he thought she'll get angry. But she didn't, and instead cried and held on to him. He was apologizing nonstop, and was prepared for the worst but what greeted him wasn't a slap, but a hug full of comfort and warmth. She was scared, her body trembling nonstop and yet her hold was firm. They were both frightened, but Manami gave her best being brave for him.

The two of them talked for another hour, until the purple head was called back to work. They said their temporary goodbyes and promises of catching up again on a later date before hanging up.

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