Chapter 12: Queen Protects Her Son

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"Then why didn't you do something?!" Manami's eyes turned red, as if she was about to cry in any moment. Honestly that's also what I've been asking myself.

I knew it, so why did I keep it?

Do I really favor this because he's my best friend?

Or is it plainly because I'm dumb?

Stupid Nagisa, lives are on stake here.

So why am I protecting him for all these years?

"Nagisa!" I woke up from my thoughts when I heard Manami's worried voice in front of me. Giving a smile of reassurance, I waved it off.

"I'm fine, don't worry." She calmed down after, but I can see her eyes full of doubt.

"Are you sure? But then, what will happen...?" She looked down as her voice trails off, hinting a bit of helplessness. Really though, I'm quite jealous of her having such emotions. I can't believe I'm talking about my best friend's serious case with calmness.

"I'll do something about it." That sentence was something I buried deep inside my mind, but after seeing Manami's hopeless state, I suddenly blurted it out and got my resolve.

Unsurprisingly, this was unexpected for her.

"Really?? Then..." She was relieved at it, but I can still feel her hesitation. Of course what I'll do might cause harm to me, but I've been running for years. Patting her head, I smiled at her.

"Just leave it to me."


We heard a loud crashing noise of garbage cans, startling us. At the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of a fleeting red. My eyes widened and turned my head to get a full view, but I was too late. It seems like Manami also saw it and is now trembling beside me. Just as coldness wrap me, a voice called out and spurted a sense of relief in my heart.

"Nagisa!" Manami and I turned our head to the other direction and saw my mother standing and looking surprised.


It wasn't only her appearance that made me relieved, it was the red scarf she was wearing around her neck.

After Manami land I look at each other with a smile, we ran towards her and greeted.

"Well, Nagisa. Seems like we'll have to part here." Manami said as we came to a fork road. I smiled and nodded at her.

"Mm. See you at school then."

"See ya!" And with that, she ran off. Honestly it was a surprise that the usually shy and quiet Manami is actually the opposite. Well, considering her knowledge, I guess it affected her.


I turned to my mother and smiled. Somehow she looks a bit pale but it was faint. I thought maybe something was wrong, but she just said that there's nothing and she's just tired. I didn't pry much and just went home with her.

Reaching our house, she looked around before opening the door and stepping inside. It was quick but her eyes scanned the area. Now, I'm really worried about her actions.


"Mom, is everything alright?" We just finished dinner and she's cleaning up. I am still sitting by the table waiting for her to finish and talk to me. What made me suspicious was that she paused, as if she was considering something. Then, after Mom wash the last plate, she wiped her hands and sat beside. Her stare made me somewhat froze in anxiety. It wasn't because of her, but the way she acted and the eyes that shows fear.


"Listen, Nagisa, take care of yourself." I frowned at her seriousness. It wasn't like I'm a careless and clumsy person, but it seems like Mom was talking about something different.

"What do you mean?" She just lightly smiled and patted my head gently. Somehow, her actions make me feel afraid. Why is she even acting like this?

"Nothing. careful. Now go on, it's late already. I have to go somewhere for a bit so sleep already. Night, sweetheart." She said then kissed my forehead. I just nodded even though I feel reluctant and did as she said. When I passed the living room, I happened to look at the clock. The time made me raise my eyebrows.

It was only 8 o'clock in the night.

🔪Third Person🎓

After confirming that Nagisa was asleep, Hiromi crept out of the house. It was around nine in the evening, yet the street was quiet. Silence usually calms people, but not for Hiromi in this case. In fact, it only adds to her nervousness.

Walking further away from her house, Hiromi casted a few glance towards Nagisa's window. She was afraid leaving her son alone, but with what she'll be doing, it was better. She finally reached the corner of the street and heaved a sigh then changes her expression immediately.

"Stop." She tried to mask her trembling voice, nonetheless it was futile. Despite being afraid, she tried her best to muster her slowly crumbling courage inside. Hiromi closed her eyes and breathed evenly to calm herself down.

"Oh? Why should I?" A cold voice sounded out from the shadows. It was obvious from the voice that it was from a male, and from the tone that he's definitely dangerous. Hiromi clenched her teeth and fists to try and control her emotions after seeing the tall figure mocking her.

If it's for the safety of her son, then she'll do it. She'll do everything.

"Please...just, stop it. Stop what you are doing already. Stop everything." Hiromi pleaded. It was a rare sight to see this strong woman beg someone. Never did she look up to anyone to buy favor nor anything. She's like a queen, looking at everyone while emitting an aura of authority. No one had her on knees just to plead.

And now looking at her begging with a bowed head, it shows how much she love her son.

"Stop everything, you say...what if I don't?"  The figure took short strides around, still hidden behind the shadows before stopping and glancing at Hiromi with eyes of amusement and mockery. "What are you going to do?"

Hiromi, despite being determined, knew that she can't do anything. And that's what irked her.

'I can't even protect my useless of me'

"I...I'll do anything...just please, please stop. Please, just leave us alone." The seconds ticked endlessly, as if paying the two without attention. There were no sounds around aside from a few crickets from here and there. The woman's breathing just turned hasty as time pass. And, after seeing the figure step in front of her, Hiromi pleaded again.

"Please, leave Nagisa alone....Karma."

...I'll always stay with you...


A/N: Annddd that's it!! Next chapter will be interesting! Or not...

Anyways, it will be the start of everything...for the ending.

Not yet, but we're near there.

A shooorrtt teaser at the end of this update. You can skip it if you like...or read if you like to get a glimpse on what'll happen in the next last chapters.


"Hey, Nagisa, you'll stay with me, right?"


"Hahaha! Karma is really amazing!"


"I-I'm sorry...I...Nagis---"


"Karma-kun, don't worry, I'm here."


"Nagisa, a promise is a promise, right? You can't just run away, you know?

You should always take responsibility for everything."


"Karma...I'm sorry."

I Thought Strawberry Smells Sweet, So Why Does This One Smells Like Blood?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora