Chapter 15.5: A Night Together On A Special Day

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"Nagisa! I'm going out for a bit, is there anything you want?" I heard my mom shout from downstairs. She told me she'll be buying groceries for my birthday, which is today. I was asked to come, but I decided not to and just stay at home.

"Um, some chips maybe and chocolate? Oh, and also strawberry juice!!" I exclaimed and peered down the stair. She raised an eyebrow at me then shrugged, before yelling a goodbye and walking out. I don't think she'll be coming back late, but I also think it won't be fast so I'm pretty much alone right now.

Not for long, though.

Just after a minutes, the doorbell rang and I almost literally flew down towards the door. And unsurprisingly, it was the guest I was expecting after I answered.

"Ya, Nagisa."

"Karma!! Come in! Come in!" I smiled and immediately gave way for him to enter. Closing the door, I then lead him to my room, which made him pause.

"Um, Nagisa?" I paused after hearing his reluctance. Is there any problem perhaps?

"What?" He seemed to contemplate whether he'll speak or not, showing much difficulty on his face. I wonder what's troubling him.

"Well, you know, your mother isn't here?"

"Out buying things."

"So, we two are alone?" Oh, does he not like it?

"Yep?" Maybe he feels uncomfortable without adults around? Even though his parents are always not home(according to him and my observation), there are still a few maids to guard and look over him. Well, it's not like something bad would happen.

"Don't you feel...?"

"Huh?" Feel what? Scared?

"There's nothing to be feared of. This place is pretty much safe from any dangers." I assured. "Besides, there aren't any psychos running around!"

I giggled a bit, but for a moment, I thought I saw him flinch.


"What? Ah, no. I mean, I'm fine really. Just...kind of embarrassed." He scratched his cheek sheepishly, before looking away with his ears turning red.

Oh my, how cute.

"Here, there's nothing to be embarrassed about! We're friends!" I persuaded. He grumbled something under his breath, but unfortunately I didn't hear it.

"So, come on?" I asked with a tilt of my head.

I got a shy nod as an answer.

I grabbed his hand gently and showed him the way up the stairs and towards my room. There when I opened it, I saw him looking around just like a curious child looking at a new place.

...But isn't that the situation he's currently in?

Today was the first time that he visited my room, or my house. It wasn't that I wasn't inviting him, it's just I'm the one always going to their home.

To be more comfortable.

"Come, have a sit somewhere." Looking everywhere, he slowly approached my light blue bed and sat down on it.

The way he act's like...

" it the first time you went to someone else's house?"

Karma seemed to pause at my question and blinked his eyes. But slowly, he turned his head to the other direction.

...I hit the spot.

"I-It's not like that., it's the first time I'm alone with someone in their room, that's it." The answer he gave me made me raise my eyebrows unconsciously.

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