Three-way Heartache

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After their little agreement, everything seemed to be at peace for a few minutes. At first, Error and Ink tried to ignore each other's presence. It didn't work very long when the both of them kept tugging Core away from each other. So, they just kept glaring at each other. 

Ink had created a small sketchbook for her, since she asked to draw something because she was simply bored. The two of them glanced at her drawing, (which was horrible; of course. No one said she was an artist.) Core had drawn a scenery, where it was just a vast valley green field, along with a bright blue sky; and a few birds flying in a corner. There were children playing in the stream, and one odd grave beside the river..? They shouldn't think too hard about it...

"Heh. It looks pretty..." Error said, speaking the unusual compliment.

"Pretty stupid." Nevermind, he was the same usual jerk that the two knew.

Core just sighed, and shook her head. It was certainly hard to please Error, but Ink gave Core a genuine smile. "I looks nice..." His monotone voice replied. She thanked him, and then folded the drawing to fit neatly inside of her pocket. It was the only good memory of her childhood that she wanted to preserve before she forgot.

Ink then opened one of his vials that was tucked neatly in his sash; and drank it whole. Core and Error shivered when he did so. They both couldn't understand how he could do it without any problem. Drinking paint...jeez. Ink's "normal," personality flickered back once he had swallowed the entirety of the vial.

"Alright~! That's much better!" He exclaimed, standing up with eyes glittering like diamonds. "C'mon, we can't just sit around and mope all day on the floor. Let's go have some fun!" Ink said excitedly, jittering up and about. He pulled both of them up with his abnormal strength, and smiled proudly afterwards. "So, where do you wanna go?" He asked Core, bending down to her height. She hated it when people did that. She could hear them perfectly fine when their tall stature was up there. "Uh...the waterfall." Core replied.

Ink drew a portal with his paintbrush, and gathered everyone to go through there. Once they were all sitting down in the field of flowers, they relaxed. The stars hanging above them glimmered gently. The echo flowers hummed silently in their faint blue. Error looked a bit...ticked off.

He was being clearly ignored by Ink. He tapped his fingers on his arms, annoyed by him. In fact, he was probably chanting, "Don't kill the idiot," in his head. Nevertheless, he held back. Some weird feeling made him want to keep Core with him. He didn't know whether it was good or bad. He didn't want to get too attached again, because of his fear of getting hurt emotionally. Perhaps that's why he's so antisocial, and pushes people away.

Thoughts like these drilled in his head nosily, you could almost here it. Core, however; paid no attention to the two. Even though both Error and Ink desperately wanted some sort of affection that Core would give to them, she was still slightly mad at them. Ink bounced his leg impatiently because of this issue. He had assumed bringing her here would lift her spirits. Core bent down to the echo flower closest to her, and stared at its illumination. A faint whisper came from it.

"My is Napstooblook."

"I'd like to be friends."
"Oh...wait. I'm talking to myself."
"Well, whoever finds this message, please uh; send one back..?"

Core was puzzled at first, but then a soft smile appeared through her grey palette coloured face. How sweet the message was. It reminded her of how she had felt when she first became omnipresent. She probably didn't notice, but the smile on her face currently was almost equivalent to a flower. Both beautiful, bringing a happy scented memory and strung with a gorgeous atmosphere around it.

"My name is Core Frisk."
"I'd like to be your friend."

She cupped her hands and replied that. When she walked back over to Error and Ink, both of them looked dumbfounded and their faces were flushed embarrassingly. "Er, is something the matter?" She asked, her grin fading away. Error was the first to speak up. "Humans are so weird...talking to flowers. Can't believe that you smiled so happily at a dumb flower..." He mumbled under his scarf, now blushing madly. "CoRe, you're so cute my heart just...exploded aH!" Ink pretended to clutch his heart dramatically.

"Pff. You guys are weird. What do you say we head back, and perhaps watch a movie to top off the day?" Core suggested. Ink nodded, and Error just scoffed, "Sure, whatever..." Once they headed back to Error's void, Ink had already created a set of onesies as pyjamas. "We certainly can't get along with adorable onesies, now?" Ink smiled mischievously at Error, who had a dark expression on his face once he saw the shark onesie.

"Oh fuck no."

He yelled, pointing at Ink defensively. "I'm not going to wear that ridiculous costume." However Core's eyes also lit up with a glint of hope. She turned to Error, and (even though she may not have proper eyes - ) begged him to try it on for a good laugh. "D-don't look at me like're just t-tricking me..." He glared at Core, glitching every few seconds. He wasn't going to give into the adorableness. He restrained himself. Over wearing a ridiculous costume, or pleasing a measly small adorable human; he chose...

Well, in the end he wore the damn shark onesie. Core was wearing a cat onesie, and Ink had sewn himself a fox onesie. Core pat Error's shark head, and laughed. He didn't seem to mind, but didn't say anything. He was still pissed off. Pats are nice though. Ink got up, and went to go get his paintbrush. He had created numerous things just in one day at Error's void space. A house, the entirety of it.

He went to the other room with his paintbrush to go microwave some popcorn, while the other two stayed and played the movie. "You're seriously not bothered by this ridiculous outfit..?" Error asked Core, looking up and down at her. "Hm? No, it's actually quite comfy. Plus, cats are adorable."

"That I can agree you with." He responded, turning his head back to the screen.

There was some awkward silence in the air with only the sound of the movie, and the popping bag of popcorn in the other room. "Uh." Error said suddenly, glancing back at Core. "We...are friends, right?"

He muttered this part more quietly, as if he was embarrased to say so. "Of course!" She smiled at him, the same excited smile when she heard the blue flower speak. Something in Error's chest skipped quicker than usual. "Then...why do I feel like...this....?"

He placed Core's head on his chest, which was now beating rapidly like a bunny. To the sudden contact, her face became a subtle red. Her heart was almost going to scream, as well. This was...this...

"Error, I think that you like me...?"

She pulled away, yet the sentence she said froze Error so much that his hand was still rested upon her back. And even worse, Ink was there. Staring. The popcorn bowl dropped out of his hands. "Excuse me?" 

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