Cat's Cradle

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Core Frisk awoke with a startle. She looked up, around her in the second anti-void she was trapped in. Error was grumbling behind her, out of anger and annoyance. What could it be this time..? Hopefully, there wouldn't be too much trouble. She sat up, as a blanket slid off of her. Strange, she didn't recall placing a blanket on herself. Huh.

"Why are you so aggravated first thing in the morning, Error?" Core yawned, making Error jump and quickly hide whatever he was doing. He glared at her menacingly, still an angry cat. "None of your damn business, pavement." She cringed at her newly-found nickname that clearly ticked her off.


To this remark, she pouted her cheeks angrily, and then grabbed Error's shoulder, turning him around. He let out a cry of surprise and fear, but strangely; not attacking her. For some odd reason. 
Once Core found out why, she started to chuckle. "Aw, the kitty-cat got his paws stuck in his own strings." She teased him, sticking out her tongue and then pointing to his skeletal hands, in which Error had indeed; got his hands all mixed up with the strings.

"GÖÐ ÐÄMM̆, JÚ§† Úñ†ÌÈ MÈ!" Error screeched at her, waving his hands around like a giant man-baby would. She reached for his hands, and then froze. Why should she help him..? After all, he had done nothing but try and relentlessly capture her, and here he was; hopeless and begging for help right in front of her. "And why should I?"
This one sentence made Error stop in his tracks, oddly frozen; and then a rebooting sign filled his eye sockets. 

[ Rebooting #3, Error Sans. ]

Core Frisk giggled as she watched his rebooting sign finish loading up, just enough time for her to untie him without Error realizing what she had done. Load complete. Proceed. Error shook off the unpleasant feeling of being rebooted, and then looked back at his hands; which were good as new. As if strings were tugging his smile, he grinned widely. "HAH! See, I've done it myself. I didn't even need your help, you child."
Core felt offence to this. Child..? She was definitely no child at all. In fact, probably around the same age as Ink and Error. To this statement, she crossed her arms grumpily and sat cross-legged. "Hmph. I am no child.  I am probably the same age as you, or even a bit older." She eyed him, feeling offended to such hostile manner.

Error cackled to her response, digging his sharp words into her weak spots. "Ah, that's correct. I keep forgetting you were in some kind of World War when you were just a lil' squirt, kiddo." He then made a finger gun with his hands, and Core began to let out black tears for some odd reason.

"No...stop. Stop."

Error felt confused. Usually, if he didn't spend time with Core, he would've continued on the teasing, but this time; he felt strange. Almost as if he was guilty. No, that couldn't be the word he was looking for. He felt remorse. Error slowly retracted his gun position back into a normal resting hand.
Not being the best at comfort, he kind of just sat there and watched Core shake and cry; mumbling things that sounded like, "No, I don't want to see them die again...I'm sorry, I don't know what I-I did wrong." Come to think of it, did she ever do anything wrong? No. She was just traumatized.

Though she might be strong all the time, and have a dorky smile plastered on her face; it seemed deep down, her regrets from the past still drowned her down. Error thought of what Core might've done if she were in his position. With that in mind, Error slowly advanced towards her, patting her head gently, and giving her a hug.

Oddly enough, he didn't seem to mind.

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