A Little Push

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Core woke up in her little bed she made in the multiverse. "Good morning everyone." She yawned quietly. Many alternate universes greeted her. Some human and some monsters who were living in the multiverse. 

A recognizable chuckle was heard from behind Core. "Oh. Hey Outer." Core said, waving her hand at him. "Off to see Error again, huh?" He asked, staring at a box Core had prepared the night beforehand to give to him. She worked hard on it, and was drained out.

"Yes. I'm not going to let other universes die with him in my way. So what better way to do it than to try and be friends with him?" Outer smiled brightly at Core. "You're always so kind to help people who've lost their way."

Core nodded in agreement, and was off her way to visit Error again. Though, it felt more like visiting a beast everyone hated. "Knock, knock." She said, at Error's place, the empty void. Of course, there was no door; but Core just felt like saying it so that he was alerted she was here. 

"Ugh. What do you want?" Error spat rudely at her. "You've been visiting my place too often, and every time I try to hold you captive, it doesn't work!" He muttered under his breath. "Well." Core began.

"Some welcome that was, wasn't it?" Error's eyes darted towards a tin, steel box she was holding in her small hands. "What is that?" He pointed at the box. "A bomb?" He stared cautiously at her. Core sighed, and placed the box down.

"You've met me long enough to know I'd never hurt anyone." Core said with a hint of hurt in her voice. "I'm trying to help you become a better person so-"

"So you can protect the corrupted universes, yeah; yeah. I know the gist, kid." Error cut through her. Core pouted angrily at Error. "Firstly, I'm not a kid. I'm thousands of years old. So, don't treat me like a kid." Core opened up the box with a pop, and inside the box was sewing materials.

"Secondly, I know you like making puppets for whatever reason, so I brought this." Error stared down at the fresh materials, and glanced back up at Core, without saying anything. "Funny how a god of destruction like creating something." 

She smiled, and sat down beside him, but not too close. Core yawned a bit. She was a little tired from getting these materials. It's not like she can walk into a supermarket without drawing attention. "What was that?" Error said.

"...What?" Core asked. "Y'know, that weird noise you made when you opened your mouth." Error stared at her curiously. "Oh, I'm just tired. It's called a yawn." Error's face had a small blush around his cheeks. "I've only seen cats do that.." He muttered. 

"It's funny how humans get hurt so easily. When I strung you, your arms bled almost immediately. It kind of surprised me, grey blob." Core sighed and sternly looked at Error. "I'm Core Frisk. Call me Frisk, or Core. Not "grey blob." She said in an annoyed tone.

Error raised an eyebrow. "So, that name annoys you, huh? Thanks for telling me, grey blob." Core groaned and turned away from him. "I'm leaving if you keep calling me that." Error chuckled softly. 

"Heh. Not like I wanted you here, in the first place grey blob." Core clicked her tongue in annoyance, and started walking away. "Oh, I forgot something." She said, suddenly stopping in her tracks and running back to Error. 

She took out a small puppet of him she had made last night. "Look! It's you." She smacked it in his face with no mercy. "Take care, and stop calling me that!" With a flash, she disappeared back into her multiverse. 

"..." Error stared down at the doll. It was well-crafted, and she probably had made dolls before from the looks of it. The stitching pattern was done beautifully, but the only thing that bothered Error was that he looked like an angry cat. 

"Why the fuck did she put cat ears on this puppet?" He screamed in anger, throwing it down. The puppet had a scroll in his hands, so Error picked it up when it rolled off of the puppet. It read;

"Don't question the cat ears. You always look like an angry cat." 

Error ripped up the paper angrily, and sat down near the box full of sewing tools again. "Who does she think she is..." He was about to start putting away the tools, but saw that Core had left something VERY important. 

As he went closer, his grim smile crawled across his face. "Heh heh. So, the poor girl left her ink bottle from her dear rescuer last time..." Error grasped the bottle. "She only had two, and used one. Guess our next encounter will be a piece of cake~" 

Error hummed joyfully while swishing the ink bottle in his hand. "She won't escape easily the next time I see her." 

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