Chapter 5

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"Enough with the voices!! I need coffee!!" Adam shouted as he bashed the steering wheel.

10 minutes later, parked up and sitting in the corner, Adam let out his frustration.

"2 days before court, and now she happens to walk in!" He fumed between his teeth.

"I really don't understand why it's bugging you this much. I mean you've never, and I mean NEVER spoken about her. What is seriously with the sudden emotion?" Elliot responded slightly confused.

"I honestly don't know El. Seriously. She's different though. Something about her in court. Just different. For some reason, I want to know why."

No, if it's the 'want and need' argument, then I need to know! Seriously Adam, stop talking to yourself!

"Yeah so I think maybe we should get a dog to bark our argument. The cat can be our witness. What do you think?"

"Yeah sure El, that seems fair - no wait, what?"

"Exactly, 'what?' Stop zoning out and focus!" Elliot smiled shaking his head!

Blushing, Adam directed his gaze down at his coffee.

"Are you seriously blushing? Your face is turning red! What were you thinking of? Or rather, who were you thinking of and would I know the person?" Elliot looked at his partner, his friend, with first shock, then laughter.

What? Me blushing? No damn way! Me blushing? Seriously blushing? No no no, me blushing?! Enough!

"You know what Adam, just tell me a bit about her. Maybe all these emotions," Elliot motioned with his hands, "maybe all these emotions that's really affecting you, may go."

"Have you changed your profession and become a psychiatrist?" Adam smiled, "Don't leave me to handle it all by myself."

"Wait, let me order another cup of coffee. I have a feeling we'd need it," sniggering, Elliot walked off towards the counter.

Yeah that's true.

As Elliot sat back down, passing on the coffee, he rubbed his hands and whispered, "go on then, start!"

"So like I said it was over a decade ago. Not sure if she'd remember me. But she was like one sweet, innocent girl. Argumentative, but it's good to stand up for what you believe. What got me hooked on her was her Land of Dreams." Adam stared straight at Elliot with a blank expression.

"You mean like what she wants in life? Her dreams?"

"No no, just weird."

Definitely weird!

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