chapter 15

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I was driving in my own car with Amanda on the back laying down. Her mother was in Amanda's car driving like crazy while her brother was in his own car panicking. They both knew I was taking her to my hospital.

Adam was going to object but Mrs. Perez allowed it knowing that we are mates and I'm not going to put in danger. At first she was afraid of me hurting all of them for being a different species from us but I promised her I wouldn't do that.

She didn't know that Amanda shifted until I told her why she wasn't afraid of calling her my mate. So she just shrugged it off and let me go but they followed closely behind.

Her brother still had trust issues because I was her own personal bully but I ignored it atleast I tried to save his ass.

I drove hella fast I don't want her to die. We barely started talking to each other. I will not lose her this easily. I'm pretty sure she can heal but I'm just not going to taking any chances.

It was quiet except for hearing Amanda mumbling some words.

"" was all I caught and I assumed she was talking about the heat so I lowered it down but stop when I heard her say my name.

"Matt....good looking...." a smile appeared on my face. I knew I was hot but never heard it from her. Now it got me wondering what she was talking about.

Amanda's p.o.v

Darkness once again appeared. I knew I was asleep but I didn't have the strength to wake myself up. I didn't think I will ever wake up.

Actually I never even thought any of this would have happened to me. As a kid I always thought that my life would be somewhat normal. Not all of the way normal but still decent.

I guess no ones life can be normal.

Every year I grew older I realized that no one is ever considered normal. To everyone else you are just different.

I grew up being judged on my weight. My family that barely knew me have judged me. There own kids were perfect but once they caught a glimpse of me there joyful face turned into a judgmental one.

People assumed that they were normal. Especially the people that know what they can do.

I'm pretty sure everyone has questioned themselves. Why am I not pretty enough? Why can't I just be like everyone else? Is everyone feeling how I feel? Does anyone even care?

My answer to those are who the fuck cares? Either way we will all be feeling these emotions. Just because people have told you that you are ugly, no one wants to be with you, how are you still alive?,doesn't mean they haven't been through that torture.

They just blame it on the people who are weaker. That's why mostly everyone is self conscience about themselves. They hide there true selves just so no one would judge them.

That's why I have a problem with trusting people. Even my own parents. Frankly I believe that I made the right choice of not telling my parents and brother anything. It saved our lives.

I think I made the right decisions sometimes but there are some consequences like me, I know I'm going to die a slow not so painful death. My mom and dad would be devastated but I saved them that's all that matters.

I regret nothing.

'Well you should regret not telling your mates you emotions, darling' my father said, his image in front of me with great disappointment.

'Father I don't think that you should be telling this when I already said I regret nothing.' I crossed my hands over my chest.

'Daughter I know you are lying. I can feel it radiating off of you. You are just holding your true emotions towards him back.' My father motioned for me to walk to him.

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