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Hi, I'm Amanda Perez or Mandy for short. I'm a 17 year old girl whose dreams are to go to a university, I don't quite know which one yet I'm still thinking about that, but it'll happen when I'm done with this horrible excuse for a school.

My favorite activities are laying around and doing nothing.

I don't get out much because being harassed out in public isn't my thing. Plus nobody wants to be seen with me. All heads would turn the other way. It's pretty obvious I don't have friends as you can tell by the way I speak of myself. Well, except for my brother Adam but I highly doubt he counts.

Oh, but you just want to know about  my own personal bully named Matt, right? Since you are reading this book. I tell you a little about him. Since he has a big roll in my life.

First of all, he's the typical douchebag who gets attention by bullying poor defenseless kids who do nothing to him. I tried to be nice once. Turned out horrible. If only you saw it.

Second, he gets every girl because of his charming good looks. I even have to admit that he has outer beauty. He mainly dates the girls in the marching band.

Yeah, I don't think so. Author stop trying to lie to these people. Here is the truth.

He dates the stereotypical cheerleaders who always wears really short clothes that can almost show their privates and wear way too much make up that makes them look like a Barbie high on crack. They are also not the sharpest tool in the shed, if you get what I'm saying.

Be nice, they can do what they want. Let them be beautiful. Someone is a little jealous.

I know, I didn't mean to be rude. It's just hard. I'll just talk about him. Wait what did you say?

Alright Continuing on with the story.

You're lucky she can't hear us.

Once he's decided there is no use for being with these poor cheerleaders, he will throw them away as if they were nothing, a waste of his precious time.

Which he has enough of, to be bullying me.

Last of all, he's a spoiled little brat who thinks that he can get what he wants, when he wants it and get away with everything just because his dad is the best lawyer in the whole world.

Blah, blah, blah. Can we move on already?

Hold on, so impatient these days.

Anyways, this pathetic excuse of a bully will finally learn his lesson. Who knows only way to find out is reading on.

You won't be saying that much longer. #Mattanda.

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