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People can be strange. You hear about all weird cases of nut jobs that marry their cars or people that eat deodorant and even mate with inflatable animals. When I think of the strange cases like these, I can safely say that I'm just an ordinary person.

No one likes to stick out after all, it's practically a crime against society. There's no such thing as a diamond in the rough, a needle in a haystack. Everyone tries to fit in, and that's exactly what I do. No one notices me, I'm like a shadow in the corner of everyone's eyes. And I'd like to keep it that way.

Besides, I wouldn't be able to do what I love most. I'm a collector you see, and it's hard to find the rarest pieces for my collection when people notice what I'm searching for. They usually get in my way and take the valuables along with them. And I can't just take them in front of everyone's eyes, collecting is like hunting, and I only hunt the ones that can disappear.

Children are a rare treasure indeed, so hard to catch when people are watching. But when their gaze is elsewhere, that is when the hunt begins. I do have an acquired taste, I'm not a complete psycho after all. I love a child with glasses. A child lacking the ability to see has always amused me. It's so fun when they try to escape, crying for their mum or dad. Sometimes I have to get my hands dirty to silence them, but it comes with the hobby I suppose. I take my collecting very seriously, and then display them in large glass boxes in my home, where I can just watch them as they grow weaker and weaker.

It took me hours making those boxes, and after trial and error I finally got them unbreakable and soundproof. After all, I don't want my toys making too much noise, I must avoid suspicion after all. I have to blend in, I don't want them to take my trinkets away.

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