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My stomach growled for the nth time. I shivered in the cold breeze of the night, the park bench hard and cold. The tears that once rolled down my face were dried leaving a light shimmer on my full cheeks, barely visible the moonlight.

I brought my knees up to my chest and laid my arms upon them staring into an endless void of nothingness.

What will I do? I lost the closest person to a friend I've ever had in years, I have a husband who abuses me and sees other woman, and parents who have Alzheimer's and can't recognize me.

I can't blame the people around me for my misfortune. Life is what you make of it.

I sometimes fine myself wondering what would happen if one day I just disappeared. Would anyone care? Would anyone even notice?

I don't have friends, family, a job. I've always relied on EunWoo.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a soft whimper. I gazed was directed below as I laid my eyes on a stray cat. It was a black cat and it's fur glistened in the moonlight.

I leaned down and let the cat smell my hand. It rubbed its head onto the palm of my hand in approval.

I carefully picked up the cat and laid it on my lap as it settled down. The cat shivered so I removed my jacket and gently placed it over it.

They say when a black cat crosses your path it's bad luck, but my life is as bad as it can possibly get right now, what do I have to lose?

I pat the cat softly until it finally fell into a state of peaceful slumber. I leaned back on the bench and rested my eye's until I fell asleep.


The bright light from the sun made me sturr and wake. I opened my eyes to see myself lying in a familiar room.

The white comforters radiated a scent so familiar. When I finally came to I realised I was in Jimins bedroom.

I flinched when the door opened. Jimin stepped in with a tray full of breakfast. "Oh you're awake."

He came to the side of the bed and placed the tray down on the side table. I watched him silently as the thought of yesterday's happenings dawned on me.

"How did I get here?"

He sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed. "I kept trying to call you and couldn't get a hold of you. The terms we left on were really bothering me more than it should have, so I went on a walk and found someone sitting alone and it turned out to be you, and obviously I couldn't just leave you there, so I brought you here."

"Why did you care if you left me there or not?"

"Because you're my friend and I care about you."

"We're not friends."

He sighed and ran his hands through his hair. His eyebrows knotted in frustration. "Fine we're not, want do you want us to be then?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know." I murmered.

"It was one kiss, we can put that behind us, can't we?" He made it sound so simple.

"I don't want to."

"God, Ara what do you want from me?!"

I flinched from his sudden raise in voice. He wasn't happy with my responses to say the least but I can't just let it go.

I broke our eye contact and turned my back to him as I pulled the comforter over my shoulder.

Tears welled up in my eyes. Why am I such a cry baby for everything?

"Forget I said anything then." I let out softly followed by a sniffle I unintentionally let out.

"I didn't mean to raise my voice."

"But you did."

He paused before hesitantly answering. "I know, I'm sorry."

I remained silent. "Why were you even outside that late?"

"He kicked me out." I said shortly.

"What? Why?"

"I found out and confronted him about his side bitch."

I found myself crying harder, trying my best to not sob loudly.

I felt him place his hand on my shoulder and rub it soothingly.

"Can you scoot over?"

I shuffled over to make room for him and he lifted up the comforter and slipped into his bed. His face softened after seeing mine. "Come here."

I moved closer to him and he wrapped his arms around my figure and pressed me firmly against his chest letting me cry.

"It's okay to cry. Just let it out." He rubbed my back in an up and down motion.

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