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"I hadn't expected you to show up here".

Jungkook awkwardly shuffled on the spot as he got stared down by the older white haired male. A burning cigarette was pinched between his fingers as he let out a puff of smoke.

"I kind of need your help with something", the alpha spoke, feeling his confidence drain by the second, "But I know we're not on good terms at the moment".

"As if I care about that Jungkook", the older spoke, surprising the alpha, "I heard about what happened. It's horrible".

Jungkook nodded but frowned, "You didn't run outside after hearing the scream?"

"I didn't really care about anyone screaming. I wasn't at the scene since I was doing pot in the bathroom at that moment but I heard the students gossip afterwards", the other explained as he took another puff of smoke, "I also heard you challenged Sooyun to a fight".

"Yeah, that's kind of what I need help with", Jungkook muttered.

The other hummed and dropped the cigarette before crunching it underneath his boot, "You think I'm a good fighter, do you?"

"I know you got real training in contrast with me", the alpha shrugged. He didn't really know who to go to if Yoongi refused to teach him.

The other sighed and crossed his arms as he leaned against the side of the playhouse. Jungkook remembered how Yoongi and him used to smoke in the old playground last year and scare kids away who tried playing on the swings. "The fight is Sunday, which is tomorrow, and you're telling me you can't fight".

"I can fight I just don't think my attack strategy is any good. That's what I need you for", Jungkook frowned, "Do you have time today?"

"I guess I don't have any choice do I? I don't want Taehyung getting stuck with that asshat of an alpha because I couldn't train you", Yoongi huffed and pushed himself off.

Jungkook nodded, "Alright, let's do this then".

The boys met in the woods close to Jungkook's home, the same woods Taehyung and him had their first date in. The trees were empty of leaves and it had started snowing a little, creating a peaceful atmosphere that would soon be ripped apart.

"Alright, first rule of fighting another alpha", Yoongi spoke up, snapping his fingers to get the attention of the younger who had been staring at the falling snowflakes. Jungkook flinched and sheepishly smiled when he realized he had lost his focus.

"Don't transform completely. It will be your first instinct to do so but it is a major disadvantage. You need both your human and animal instincts for this fight", the older proceeded, "Don't let your anger take over. You just need to concentrate on controlling your wolf at first before doing anything else".

"I can do that", Jungkook nodded, eyes determined.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow and clicked his tongue, "Are you sure of that?"

The younger nodded once again.

"Alright, let's put it to the test then".

Jungkook stood confused as the older stepped in front of him, beginning to crack his fingers and neck as if he got ready for a fight. "Taehyung got marked because of his own stupidity. He should've seen this coming, angering his true mate and insulting him by saying he's in love with some other alpha".

Jungkook mouth fell open at this, not understanding why the boy was saying all of this.

"He deserves everything that happened and honestly, he should just accept the situation now and be with Sooyun. It's what fate and nature wanted and he got what he deserved by going against fate. He should be stuck with Sooyun forever and you are pathetic to think you can change anything".

A loud growl rippled through the air.

In front of Yoongi stood a tall black wolf, gaze burning brightly red as he angrily glared at the boy in front of him. Drool dripped out of his mouth as he bared his teeth at the older male, who merely scoffed. "You failed the first task of today".

The wolf seemed taken aback by that, mouth closing as his posture softened. Yoongi rolled his eyes and stepped closer. "I told you not to let your anger take over", he explained and flicked the wolf's nose who whined by the gesture, "You changed into your full wolf form which I specifically told you not to do".

Yoongi turned on his heel and walked back to the backpack he had thrown against a tree when he arrived. While Jungkook dropped down onto the ground in wolf form to wallow in embarrassment, Yoongi began rummaging through his things.

He soon pulled out a clean shirt and sweat pants and threw them at the wolf, "Here, put these on when you change back".

Jungkook changed back once the other turned around and pulled on the clothes. "Why did you bring clothes?", the boy asked once he had finished dressing.

"Because I foresaw your stupidity", the older boy grinned, instantly amused at the other's frown, "Now, did you learn your lesson?"

"It's not my fault you suddenly started talking shit about Taehyung", Jungkook spoke softly, "It was unexpected".

"Sooyun could use the same tactic", Yoongi explained and went back to standing in position, "He'll play dirty to get your wolf out like that. He knows what an advantage he'll get from it".

Jungkook sighed. He should have expected things to get tricky in a real fight. He couldn't just rely on his wolf's power, he needed his human tact as well.

"Alright, let's try again".

It was late in the evening when Jungkook arrived back home, clad in Yoongi's clothes that were a bit too tight on his arms and thighs. The material of the shirt stuck to him as it was soaked in sweat. He was covered in dirt from rolling around on the ground, battling Yoongi, and now the only thing he craved was a long hot shower, something that was expensive when living in a trailer park.

But he didn't get the chance to wash up because the moment he had grabbed soap and towels, a knock came from the caravan's door. He frowned, dropping the soap onto the bed, as he wondered who the person could be.

Taehyung should be at home resting. And his father was working his night shift.

"Hello?", he called out once he made eye contact with a woman who seemed to be nearing her thirties. She was dressed in a black dress with white fringes and she bowed.

"I'm looking for Jeon Jungkook", she spoke, "I'm informed to drive him to the Kim's residence".

"I'm Jeon Jungkook", the alpha nodded and then he froze, "Wait- Kim's residence- do you mean Kim Taehyung's house?"

"That's the one sir. Master Taehyung is in need of your assistance", the woman said. She seemed calm at first glance but now Jungkook got a good look at her, he noticed the worry hidden behind her mask of fake calmness.

He didn't care he smelled like earth and sweat as he jumped out of the caravan and locked it. "Did something happen to Taehyung? Is everything alright? Why does he need me?", he asked as he followed to maid to a parked car that waited on the road for them.

The slick black car had a driver sitting behind the wheel, the man nodding to him in respect as the maid let Jungkook in the back seat. "I was told to come get you but not to explain the situation to you. Master Taehyung will tell you soon".

Well, that wasn't comforting to hear.

Second update today ayyy

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