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Taehyung had stayed the night in the caravan, having fallen asleep after getting tired of battling with the pain. Jungkook had ushered his father to take the last remaining spot on the bed, not wanting his father to hurt his back by sleeping on the ground.

This is why Jungkook was sprawled across the floor in the caravan, head resting on top of his backpack and body covered by one of his father's large jackets. He couldn't sleep and was left to stare at the ceiling in the dark, wondering what his life had come to.

He thought of what would have happened if he didn't go to prom that night. Would Taehyung have talked to Sooyun about his feelings? Or did that only happen because he was there and reminded Taehyung of their time together? Would he have been left on the ground if the bite did happen without his appearance? Would the other students have called an ambulance or would Sooyun have taken him home?

He shivered at the thought. An unconscious and bleeding Taehyung being carried by an angry alpha whose pride got hurt. It was something that would happen in Jungkook's nightmares about losing the omega. He had gotten quite a few of those ever since he had started dating Taehyung and then when his birthday came around, his nightmares had turned to reality.

Sighing for the umpteenth time, he rolled onto his side, shoulders pressing against the cold hard ground. He knew sleep wasn't something he'd get today but for some reason he wasn't too grumpy about it. His head was too full of thoughts anyway and sleeping now would only result in those things becoming dreams.

He was content like this, on the ground, listening to the others' puffs of breath as darkness enveloped everything in the caravan. Those two people on the bed were his everything, the only two people that meant something to him in this damned world.

Losing one of the two would cause his demise and so he was set on destroying Sooyun before the boy got the chance to destroy him. The alpha had marked Jungkook's loved one and caused him pain and that was something Jungkook couldn't just accept to happen.

Morning slowly came around and the first rays of sun peeked from behind the worn out curtains that had once been towels. Taehyung was the first one to stir awake and he groaned at the burn coming from his wound. He tried moving but was stopped by a hand on his thigh and when he opened his eyes, Jungkook was sitting in front of him, face close to his.

"Good morning", the alpha cracked a small smile at seeing the other awake. Taehyung immediately frowned and reached out a hand, thumb caressing the other's cheek. "You look like a zombie", the omega muttered as he scanned the boy's puffy red eyes, "Did you catch any sleep tonight?"

"I'm fine", Jungkook shook his head and slowly placed his own hand on top of the other's. The blonde frowned but couldn't help feeling warm at the other's hand holding his.

"I should take you back home today", the older boy spoke after some silence, "Your parents must be worried".

Taehyung's face fell at hearing this and he broke the eye contact between them. "I want to stay here", he spoke in a small voice, "I want to stay with you".

"It would be selfish of me to keep you here", Jungkook explained and dropped his hand, making the omega drop his as well, "Your parents will be worrying and I don't want to put them through all the worry".

"Can't you be selfish just for once?", angry tears sprung to Taehyung's eyes, "You're always acting so selfless but look at what happened because of that".

Taehyung hadn't meant it, Jungkook realized as he saw the omega gasp at what he had said. His mouth opened but he faltered, seemingly shocked at what had come out of his mouth.

"I-I'm sorry. I d-didn't mean it".

The alpha shook his head, "Darling, it will be alright. We won't be separated for long".

Though the words had hurt Jungkook, he didn't want to be bitter about it.

Not long after Namjoon woke up as well and they had a small breakfast. Taehyung felt bad for eating the scarce food they had left but he was urged to eat by both the Jeons. "We can take the bus so you won't have to move too much", Jungkook said once they had gotten ready to leave.

"I'll pay the bus fee", Taehyung immediately replied, hand reaching for his wallet. They were on their way to the nearest bus stop, the air crisp and cold.

The alpha shook his head and pushed the wallet away. "It's alright. I got some money from my part time job".

The blonde frowned but decided to keep silent, knowing just how stubborn the other was when it came to pride and money matters. He began to tremble in the golden suit and he was wishing he had worn a big fur coat to the prom instead of just a jacket.

Jungkook noticed the other's shaking and walked closer before he tentatively wrapped an arm around the younger's waist and pushing him against him. "You're freezing", he noted and grabbed onto one of the omega's hands with his other hand.

"I'm not always warm like you alphas are", the blonde muttered but blushed at the close contact, "Besides, this golden jacket isn't providing any warmth. It's useless".

"I don't think it's useless at all", Jungkook mused as the bus stop came in sight, "It attracted everyone's attention as soon as you entered the room yesterday night".

Taehyung looked up at that, eyes staring at the side profile of the other, "Did it grab your attention as well?"

"You always have all of my attention", Jungkook grinned, looking down at the other to see the omega smile shyly, "But I must admit that when my eyes landed on you yesterday night, I decided that you were the prettiest little thing in the whole wide world".

"Okay shut up", the blonde rolled his eyes and pushed the other off. Jungkook laughed and came back to wrap his arm around Taehyung in an instant, the other not bothering to push him off again.

They halted at the bus stop and Taehyung turned to the alpha. He worried his bottom lip as he stared up, "Do you really think everything will work out? You know- with Sooyun and all". He suddenly stopped nibbling on his bottom lip and gasped, "What if he comes for me?"

Jungkook could see how the other instantly began to panic and grabbed him by the shoulders, "Your parents won't allow that to happen, I'm sure of it". The other untensed underneath his touch. "And besides, isn't your house guarded with more than twenty maids or something".

The omega let out a light snort, though he still seemed worried, "We don't have that many maids".

It didn't take long for the bus to arrive and soon enough they stepped out at the bus stop that was right in front of the younger's house. Jungkook's mouth fell open as he took in the size of the house and the large gate surrounding it.

"You're really rich", he let out and followed Taehyung to the gate, mouth still open and eyes still dazed.

Taehyung shrugged and typed in the combination of the gate's password, "I guess".

He wasn't thrilled to be born in a family of wealth. Sure, he got all the toys and presents he wanted as a child but love from his parents, the one thing he craved, was hard to put in a carton box and wrapped in paper.

"I'll leave now", Jungkook spoke up when the gates opened and one of the maids stepped out of the front door, bright smile on her face. She looked worried but happy to see the boy and the blonde waved to her shortly. "I'll see you on Sunday, alright?"

The omega nodded but seemed hesitant to begin walking. He glanced to the maid and then wrapped his arms around the alpha and pressed his lips against his nose for a second before releasing him. "Bye!", he shyly smiled and began running towards the waiting mate.

Jungkook smiled and waved the other goodbye. "Bye".

Fanart made by taekook_licious!!! 💕

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