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Eddy waited until Brett completely disappeared behind the door of the music building before heading back to the parking lot. He pulled out his phone to text Brett's sister as he began to look for her car.

His phone kept buzzing. Eddy scrolled down and read the texts mindlessly.

'Happy birthday, Eddy!'

'HBD, bro!'

'I hope you are having a wonderful bday, Edward!'

Yes, today is March 23. His 17-year-old birthday.

Eddy was glad that he was able to come with Brett for his audition though the other felt relatively guilty for having Eddy wake up early, travel to Queensland Conservatorium, and wait for the whole morning until the audition is over.

But Eddy honestly just wanted to spend today with Brett no matter what they did.

He couldn't remember since when that he started to feel sad on his birthday. He felt like he was always chasing after Brett because of their one-year gap.

Eddy did not feel that much different when they first met at 14 and 13. But this year Brett just turned 18 two weeks before Eddy finally turned 17. And Brett will be gone for uni very soon.

This means that they won't be able to get lunch together, hang out after school, practice together...for Eddy's entire senior year in high school. Eddy honestly felt miserable.

What if Brett meets someone new and just forgets about me?

Shame and embarrassment quickly seized him as Eddy felt selfish about wanting Brett to stay.

He knew it is super silly to panic like this as Brett has not even got in yet, but he also knew that it will make no sense if Queensland Conservatorium rejects Brett after hearing him play.

I want you to be happy.

I want you to get in.

But I also don't want you to leave me.

Eddy took some deep breaths and swallowed his emotions down his throat before getting in Briana's car.


Brett's sister drove the boys to the Queensland Conservatorium for Brett's audition since neither of Brett's parents was available today.

Or they were just not ready to accept the fact that Brett is not going to pursue a career like doctor or lawyer just like his other siblings.

"Is he alright?" Briana asked while typing nonstop on her laptop.

"Yeah. Just a little bit nervous." Eddy answered carefully.

Eddy was never left alone with Brett's sister before and everything that he had heard from Brett was making Eddy nervous.

But he has started to challenge his biases toward her based on some recent observation.

"Uh, I don't think I have had the chance to talk to you since that night..." He cleared his throat to sound sincere. "Thanks for the ladder."

Brett's birthday party (or disaster) was what Eddy was referring to. It was Briana who unexpectedly showed up and handed Eddy a ladder when Eddy was desperately calling Brett outside the Yang's house.

"Not a problem." Briana responded "Just don't tell Brett any of this."

"OK...but why?"

"Why?" Briana finally shifted her gaze from her laptop screen to Eddy's confused face.

She seemed amused.

"I know my brother. He will definitely feel touched and forgive his stupid boyfriend for missing his birthday party as he imagines that you climbed all the way to his room like a Spiderman."

Eddy froze. Did she just say 'boyfriend'?

"And the fact that you are now in my car proves that I was 100% right."

...Okay this is going to be a very iNteRestInG 17-year-old birthday that Eddy Chen would probably never forget.


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