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It turned out that Brett's mom thought Brett forgot he did not have math tutoring this week and still went to class. She was upset that Brett did not come home sooner to join the party, but she was too tired to ask Brett about it after doing all the dishes and cleaning the house. So technically Brett did not completely get caught, at least for now.

"I am going to bed early tonight. Make yourself dinner with the leftover in the fridge. Good night." Brett's mom said to Brett before she left the kitchen.

"Good night." Brett grabbed some leftover and put them in the microwave oven. His phone screen lit up when he was setting the timer to heat his food.

"Hey mate check this out"
"Link: PSY - GANGNAM STYLE(강남스타일) M/V - YouTube" 
-- Eddy, 8:48 pm

"What the heck is this?" -- Brett, 8:49 pm

"Just watch it. It's cool" --Eddy, 8:49 pm

Alright. Brett clicked the link. It was a K-pop music video of a man dancing and singing in a suit. Brett could not understand Korean lyrics but he laughed at some ridiculous scenes such as the singer dancing in an elevator or singing in a toilet. 

"LOL how did you find this video?" -- Brett, 9:01 pm

"You should listen to more K-pop with me bro" --Eddy, 9:01 pm

"Well I was busy practicing when someone was on his phone" 

--Brett, 9:02 pm

"Damn it Brett."--Eddy, 9:02 pm

Brett giggled silently. He realized how hungry he was when he smelled Kung Pao chicken from the microwave. He brought his food to his room and nearly dropped his phone when he checked Eddy's text.

"I want to make a video of us doing that dance. What do you think?"––Eddy, 9:03 pm

Make a video? Dance? Me and Eddy? Brett's mind went completely blank just by imagining him and Eddy doing that stupid dance and filming the whole thing because he could not imagine any of it. Can Eddy even dance?

Maybe he was wrong with his earlier rating for Eddy as an introvert. Maybe it should be something like seven or six, not ten out of ten. 

Brett kept eating and wondering what made his introverted friend want to film and upload a video of them dancing like two idiots.

"You still there?"--Eddy, 9:06 pm

"Don't think too much. I have a plan"--Eddy, 9:07 pm

"Alright. We can meet tomorrow and talk about it if you want?"--Brett, 9:08 pm

"Cool. Meet at the park at 2?"--Eddy, 9:08 pm

"Sounds good"--Brett, 9:09 pm


So here they are. Brett sat by Eddy on the bench in the park, or more precisely, Eddy joined Brett on the bench after being fifteen minutes late.

"Sorry. Mom asked me to clean my room before she let me leave the house." Eddy apologized. 

"That's fine. I will be worried if you are on time for once." Brett loves teasing Eddy with his punctuality problem especially after their conductor basically yelled at Eddy two weeks ago during their orchestra rehearsal for being ten minutes late. 

"Stop teasing me. I don't wanna be late as well." Eddy pretended to tickle Brett, whose weakness was definitely being ticklish. 

"You will regret if you tickle me. I know you are way more ticklish than me." Brett raised an eyebrow.

"Alright. Alright." Eddy gave up. "So what do you think about making a video together? It will be fun!"

"Uh," Brett still did not understand where did Eddy get this video idea. "I guess it will be fun to do this together. But why? I didn't know that you have a passion for dancing or making videos?"

Eddy laughed. "You think I want to do this because I like dancing or making videos? Com'on, Brett! I want to do this because I think it will be fun to do it with you!"

Brett was still confused. "But why making a video? Are we gonna upload it to YouTube?"

"I'd love to if we end up doing it."

 "But I thought you are shy? I am just confused why all of a sudden you wanna present yourself on the internet, you know, in public. You don't even post stuff on Facebook, bro." 

"Mate, there is nothing wrong with not posting on Facebook and uploading a video to YouTube. What are you worried about?" Eddy was confused by Brett's reaction. "Are you upset?"

Brett paused for a second and denied. "No. I just don't want to do anything that may make you feel uncomfortable. You've seen how people left mean comments on some videos on YouTube. And our classmates might discuss about us if they see the video. I mean..." 

That was not entirely true. Was Brett upset because others would get to see Eddy show his personality through the video? Brett shook his head. Why would he be upset about letting others get to know Eddy more?

"Well, maybe I am just overthinking. You are right." Brett finally said, "Let's do it."

"Great. Here, I wrote down some ideas on my phone last night about mimicking that video..." Eddy pulled out his phone and showed Brett some notes. "Also, if you really want to know why, I'd say it's because what you said to me last night."

"Oh really? Which part?" Brett honestly could not remember what he said to Eddy yesterday. The only thing he could remember was the hug, uh, no, not the hug. Brett remembered Eddy's tears and his kind words. 

"The part when you said that people would forget about you, and you had never done anything epic." said Eddy. "I have been thinking about it...I don't know what counts as 'epic' but I am happy to figure that out with you."

Brett felt weird to hear Eddy repeat his own words to him. "Figure what out?" 

"Figure out how to be remembered by the world. Doesn't that what you want?" Eddy made a face at Brett who could not help but burst into laughters. "I personally don't care how many people will remember me after I die, but I am happy to help you make something epic if that makes you feel better."

Brett kept laughing. "Are you gonna play our Gangnam Style video at my funeral to remind people who is lying in the coffin?"

Eddy started to laugh as well. "Nah. Better. I will send it to everyone while inviting them to your funeral."

"Sounds like a plan. Let's get started!"

"Sure, mate." Eddy smiled back.


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