Chapter 8

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Thorn landed on the mountain, and me and Maddie clambered off her back.

I pointed to a spot near a crag. "That's where I found her egg." I said. Maddie nodded.

"So, why are we here?" She asked. I shrugged. I didn't really know why we were here.

"Thorn, do you remember anything from inside your egg?" Thorn looked thoughtful for a moment, then she nodded.

"I remember being planted in the ground, sinking into soft soil. Then, I was pulled out of the soil, and carried a long way. Finally, my egg was set down, and I was on the mountain." Thorn explained.

"Soil......There's no soil up here!" I said. Maybe Thorn really did belong to the man.

"Ah. I see you found my dragon." A voice said. It sounded familiar. I spun around, to find a man with glasses. Like, really thick glasses. He looked like a scientist. But he was grinning eviliy. So, an evil scientist.

"You have no right to steal my dragon." I hissed, knowing that it really was his.

The scientist smiled an evil smile. He calmly walked up to me, and punched me in the face. My world went black.

I'm thinking this might be the end of the book. So, in that case....

THE END! (until the next book!)

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