Chapter 8:Abuse and the Truth

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(Warning, this chapter will have things involving the topics of slavery, heavier amount of alcoholism,child abuse, and suicide attempts, reader discretion is advised. I don't condone alcoholism, slavery, child abuse or child suicide. This is just for the story. If you are a family member or your self with alcohol or other type of substance abuse, experiencing abuse, slavery in some form that is illegal or immoral, or have suicidal thoughts or actions, please console in someone that should care about you, like a family member, a teacher, a police officer, or a therapist.
You may also find that Google can give you some phone numbers for a suicide prevention or abuse hotline.
FYI, I won't do the Chapters with Yellow, because it would be more or less the same to the canon, but I will say instead of battling Red's pokemon,
the Elite Four are instead experimenting on them while also abusing Red and his pokemon.)

It's been about two days since Red was returned home after being in the hospital from that incident with the Elite Four lasting about two weeks of abuse and experiments.

His pokemon are resilient and even Pika escaped and got help from a girl named Yellow. For some reason, she tried to hide her gender from everyone.

Red didn't understand, but he was happy that Pika was okay. But he can't say the same for himself, but he didn't really care. After all, it was bound to happen again. When Red arrived at home, his mother was beating him senseless for running away to go on a pokemon journey.

She wasn't a fan of pokemon tournaments, so she didn't watch the league tournament, but how she knew was by watching the news about Red being kidnapped by the Elite Four, it was mentioned he and Green were the winners of that tournament.

Professor Oak wouldn't talk to her on where her son was, though that was at Red's request, saying he wanted to surprise her with a very nice gift when he was done with the league.

It wasn't a lie.
Red knew they were low on money and that his mom had a minimum wage salary, so he was saving up a lot of money for her and even giving her a beautiful necklace for her.

It didn't help at all. She threw the necklace in the bedroom, muttering she'll just sell it. She continued to beat Red and then she said "You know Red. I'll forgive you running away..On two conditions. One, you stay here, no more of those stupid journeys. Two, you get rid of all of your pokemon. If you don't do these, you can say goodbye to Green forever."

Her voice was full of anger and spite, but Red agreed, deciding to leave his pokemon at Professor Oak's, not saying anything.

Red basically became his mothers slave, doing every single chore.
From cooking the meals, to cleaning every inch of the house, to getting groceries, and if he didn't do it on time and not correctly, he would get yelled at and beaten badly, always being put down by her, she even paid Red's old bullies to beat him up in private.

They all always said the same or similar comments.

"Why are you so stupid?!"

"Why do I keep you around?!"

"What sin did I commit to have you in my life, let alone, as my child?!"

"You're a burden! No one wants you around! Not even your little Green can keep up the pity act!"

"No one would ever miss you if you suddenly disappeared!"

The last comment his own mother made, saying no one would miss him if he disappeared. It hurt. It hurt so very much. He didn't mean to be bad, he didn't mean to hurt anyone.
Maybe it would be better if he did disappear.

Even his own friends weren't really their selves around Red anymore. Blue looked at Red with a mild sense of disgust, Oak looked at Red with a look if disappointment, Yellow looked at Red with confusion whenever she tried to touch Red, and Green was just concerned.

Red thought it was fake. He never bothered to use his powers to figure out why they were upset with him.
After all, his mother gave him an answer.

It was four in the morning and Red laid awake on the floor, since his mother sold his bed for alcohol.
Red sneaked into the kitchen, finds a pad of paper and a pen and writes a note.

He doesn't think his mom would pay attention to the note, so he'll just slide it to the professor's door. After all, he should know why Red left all of his pokemon with him.

He manages to sneak out, even with a badly abused exterior and slides it into Professor Oak's house through the door and walks off into Route One.

It was around a quarter past seven when the town hears a very loud scream from Professor Oak in his lab.
Green, Blue, Yellow, and Daisy runs to the lab.

"Grandpa, what's wrong?!" Daisy exclaimed. Professor Oak was in shock with a paper he was holding and hands it to the three of them.
Green takes it and reads it to them.

"To whom it may concern, to Professor Oak, the reason I left my pokemon with you and haven't come to pick them up, is because my mom doesn't want them around and demanded I got rid of them. I figured you or Green would be the best options. To Blue, the reason I haven't talked to you is because the way you look at me, it looks like you're disgusted with me. Is it because of my powers? My pokemon? My autism? I have no clue. To Yellow, the reason I didn't let anyone touch me is because I was so scared to let anyone near me for a reason you guys either wouldn't care or believe me when I tell you guys. And to my best friend. The one that was always there for me thick and thin, Green. The reason I had the smell of alcohol on mother drinks a lot of that and she always hurts me. The reason I never said anything is because you guys most likely wouldn't believe me or care. After all, I'm a burden. I thought about running away, starting from complete scratch in a new region, but my mom and the bullies are right.
I'm a burden to everyone. Where would I even go? I'd just be a burden somewhere else too.. But if I do this..
I can get rid of the burden...You guys won't be upset with me anymore. I care about all of you guys, I hope I can see you again one day...But where I'm going...I doubt it. Thank you all for the kindness you've given me, even though I don't deserve it.
From, Red.
A.K.A, the Autistic Brat."

Blue and Oak had a look of shock and guilt, Yellow and Daisy looked incredibly worried, some pricks of tears in their eyes, but Green? He broke down. Nearly no one had ever seen him cry until now.

"We have to find him!Before...before..." Green then ran out, riding on Charizard to find Red as soon as possible, Blue and Yellow following suit on their pokemon.

Blue on a Jigglypuff named Ririri and Yellow's Butterfree named Kitty, Aero the Aerodactyl was also with them, on him, were Poli , Vee, and Pika, in his talons was Saur, who were clearly worried for their master.

Green spots Red, he was going to the lake where he and Green played when they were little, in his hands were bags filled with stones, to which he puts in his pockets.

Green has Charizard to go quicker and Green jumps off, landing on the ground and tackling Red away from the lake. Red was crying and struggling.

"What're you doing Green?!" He shouts, but Green held him tightly. "Red, don't EVER try to do that again!" Green cried, Red was shocked, Green had never cried! Or at least, not in front of Red. Green held the black hair boy, clearly so worried.

"You're none of those things Red! I care about you so much! Please..don't do this..."
Red starts crying hard and hugging Green back. "G-Green..I-I'm scared.."
Green looked at Red in the eyes.

"I know..You should've told me about your mom sooner...You know I can tell if someone is lying or not...I care about you so much Red." Red hugged Green tighter after that.

Aero came down with Poli, Saur, Pika, and Vee, all five ran to Red and tackle hugs him, Red was shocked. They didn't hate him? He cried and hugged them all back, so happy to see his friends.

To be continued

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