Chapter 3:The Future awaits

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Over the years, Red and Green became more and more close, training Scyther and Poli, playing games, and generally bonding. It was perfect. But when Green became eight years old and Red becoming seven, it started to become miserable for Red.

It was a standard Friday evening at Green's home, Green was training Scyther in the backyard of his home.
He then heard his older sister, Daisy sobbing loudly from inside the house and runs to her with a worried expression.

"Sis, what's wrong?" Green asked, knowing something bad must've happened. Daisy still crying, hands Green a piece of paper. Confused, Green takes it and reads it. The color quickly drained from his face and he started to have tears well up in his eyes. Their parents were dead.

The next morning, Red came over to visit Green, wanting to play. He knocks on the front door of his house and Daisy opens it, her eyes were red and puffy. Red looked confused at that.

"Ms Daisy, is Green home? And why are your eyes puffy?" Red asked, clearly not knowing the situation.
"Y-yes, he's here...and...I have to go!"Daisy said, running to her room, leaving Red very confused, he comes in and walks to Green's bedroom door and knocks.

Green answers, his eyes also red and puffy. Red was becoming concerned. "Hey Red..." Green croaked.
"Green, what's wrong? Why are your eyes like Ms Daisy's? Are you okay?" Red asked, clearly worried.

"Come in, I'll tell you. " Green replied, letting in the confused boy. Green explained about learning that his parents had just died. He then started to cry and Red acted quickly and hugs him, hoping that it'll help at least a little.

After all, Green had done the same when Red learned that his father died when they were around three to four years old. They just cuddled the entire time, Red doing his best to comfort his best friend.

Two weeks later, Green learned he was going to a pokemon school overseas. He told Red, who became scared. "B-but I don't want you to leave!" He exclaimed. "I know, but Gramps said it would be a good idea. Don't worry, we can always call and write to each other." Green replied, trying to comfort Red with those words and a rather big hug, Red slowly started to feel a bit better.

"Y-you promise?" He asked Green.
"I promise." Green confirmed with a comforting smile, petting Red. They've tried to spend a lot of time until Green had to leave. They said their goodbyes 2 weeks later, but before that, they remembered a lot of the good times they had.

Green and Red were at the lake where Red got Poli, playing happily, but Ray and his girls ambushed Red, when seeing that Green's Scyther wasn't there.

"Alright brat, give us the Poliwag and you'll be spared!" Ray demanded. Red was clearly afraid, not wanting to give Poli to Ray. "B-but, I-" Red was cut of by the brunette girl kicking him.

"We don't care what you have to say!" She yelled, smirking triumphantly.
Green was getting mad. "Quit it!" He yelled, but Ray sent out a pokemon, a Magmar. "Magmar, use Mega Punch on him!" The Magmar obeyed, using the powerful punching attack on Green, hitting him in the stomach, causing Green to cough up some blood.

"Green!!" Red yelled and goes to the direction Green was at, but was blocked by the Magmar.
"Magmar, give him the Fire Punch!" Ray yelled and again, Magmar obeyed, punching Red hard and giving him some bad burns.

Ray then throws out another pokeball, bringing out a Victreebel.
"Vine Whip! Wrap them around his legs and drown him!" The Victreebel looks hesitant about it, but obeys regardless.

This was the last straw. Poli was getting very mad and started to glow and evolved into Poliwhirl. Poli then grabs Victreebel's vines, yanking Red out of the water. Red coughs badly and sees Poli.

"P-poli?" Poli nodded. Red seemed to have had an idea. "My turn." Red said, glaring at the three. The bullies started to look pale.

"Poli! Water Gun!" Poli obeys, using Water Gun on Magmar, who cried out in pain. "Uh oh." The blond said. Poli's hand started to glow a blue light and it seemed to be covered in ice and Poli punches Vicreebel with it.

"Tree!" The plant pokemon cried. "Victreebel!" Ray shouted. Poli had learned Ice Punch. Poli used Ice Punch on the bullies and they ran away crying. "What the heck? Poli just evolved.." Green said, in shock. "Evolved?" Red asked, not knowing the term.

"Poli became a new pokemon. Poliwags evolve into Poliwhirls. And it evolved at a good time too. " Green explained. Red started crying and hugs Poli. "I-I'm so proud of you Poli." Red said, still crying. Poli hugged back lovingly. However, the two boys almost got into trouble.

The bullies went to their parents and said Red attacked them for no reason. But Green showed then his bruise from the Mega Punch, including Red's injuries from Fire Punch and Vine Whip.

The bullies parent's weren't happy about this at all. Ray and the girls got grounded and even arrested for assault, misusing pokemon and the attempted murder of Red. They gave their apologies about the bullies actions.

But Red wasn't off the hook from his mother. Even if there was more then enough proof it was in self defense, she didn't care. She grounded Red for 2 weeks and beaten him badly.
(End of flashback)

"Will you be okay?" Red asked Green on the day Green leaves for the pokemon school. "Of course. Don't you worry, I'll be sure to write and call you." Green said. They hugged and Red saw Green leave.

End of Chapter three

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