Chapter 4:The adventures begins

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About 2 years past since Green left for studying overseas and Green kept his promise of keeping in contact with Red.

Green would always tell Red interesting stories, both legends and real events. There was a story Red liked the most.

It was about Green defeating the strongest student in a battle with his Scyther and new shiny Charmander, even when they were against a powerful Rhydon and Charizard.

He even sent Red footage of the match and Red watched the match 15 times in the week he got it.
One day, Red was walking near route 1 and sees 2 pokemon. Both are shiny, a male Nidoran and a Nidorino. Red was obviously surprised and wanted to catch them.

He thought the Nidorino can be a welcome back present for Green. He sees some kids trying to catch them.
Red shakes his head at this. They weren't doing it right.

"Wah! It bounced off!" The little girl cried.
"No no no. That's not how you do it." Red spoke, the kids looked at him. "If you wanna catch a pokemon, you usually have to weaken it." He stated, having Poli use Water Gun on them and successfully captures the two pokemon.

"Wow! That's so cool!" The little girl said.
"You're really good!" A little boy shouted.
Red was rather surprised, but happy at the same time. They respected him.
A little while later, one of the kids finds Red.

"Hey Red!"
Red was a bit startled, but looks over.
"Do you know Professor Oak?" The younger child asked.
"The one that lives in the edge of town near the water? I never met him, but I know his grandson and granddaughter. Why?" Red answered.

"You know Green? Wow, you're lucky! Anyways, I hear Oak knows a lot about Pokemon! Maybe he can teach me and my friends some things." The kid replied.
"It's possible." Red said.

"I hear Green is coming back from overseas from a prestigious pokemon school." The kid mentioned.

"I know. That's why I also caught that Nidorino with the Nidoran. I wanted to give him a welcome back present." Red said, having a small blush on his face.

Red has always felt strange around Green. It wasn't a bad feeling at all. But he didn't know what it meant. He sees Green coming to the entrance of Pallet Town and goes to him.

"Green!" Red yelled and tackle hugs Green, but luckily, Green was able to stand his ground and hugs Red back.
"Aww Red, I missed you too." Green said with a kind smile.

Red hands the pokeball with the Nidorino to Green. "I got you something." Red said, with a blush on his face.
Green takes it and opens it, bringing out the blue Nidorino.
"Woah, you caught this?!" Green asked, clearly impressed.

"I found it with this Nidoran and I thought you'd like the Nidorino." Red said, bringing out his shiny Male Nidoran. "Green, this is Nido." Red introduced, holding Nido.

"Aww, hey there." Green said, scratching behind Nido's ear gently. "Alright Nidorino, make sure you be good for your new trainer." Red said, the Nidorino nods.

"You know, I wonder something." Green said.
"What is it?" Red asked.
"All of our pokemon are shiny. Is it possible that our powers has a sort of side effect?" Green wondered.

Green had known about Red's powers since they were 4, even showing Red he has the same. The reason Red doesn't use his powers often is due to fear.

"Is it possible?" Red asked.
"Maybe. I think Gramps can help. He is Kanto's pokemon professor after all." Green said with a nod.
So they head to the professor's lab.
One of the lab assistants goes to them.

A female with chocolate brown hair and brown eyes goes to Green. "Oh Green, you're back. Were you looking for the professor? " She asked.
"We were Sharon. Is he here?" Green asked the woman.

"No, he said he had to go to Viridian City." Sharon answered.
Green looked puzzled. "Did he say why?" Red asked, also puzzled.
"He said he had to see if the gym leader was there. He was a little vague." Sharon replied, looking worried.

"Red, come on. Let's go. We're going to Viridian City." Green stated, looking serious.
"You sure about this Green?" Red asked, a little worried.
"Of course I am. We have our pokemon, we'll be fine." Green said.
"Wait, Red is it?" Sharon asked.
Red looked confused, what did this woman want with him?

"Um...y-yes?" Red asked nervously.
Sharon smiled sweetly and hands Red a pokeball. Red looks puzzled.
"Professor Oak wanted me to give you this. A Bulbasaur." Sharon replied with the same smile.

Red takes the Pokeball and opens it, showing the Bulbasaur, but it's shiny.
Sharon , Red and Green looks incredibly shocked, even the little pokemon.

"Wh-what? That Bulbasaur wasn't shiny before!" Sharon exclaimed.
"Hmm. I think that confirms my theory. But I wanna see Gramps to confirm it." Green said.
"Is this why you wanted to see the professor?" Sharon asked.

"Yes, but I just thought it was pure luck when me and Red got our own pokemon." Green answered.
"I see, well good luck." Sharon said.
"Thank you Ms Sharon." Red said with a smile, holding his new Bulbasaur.
"Of course Red. If you ever need anything, let me know, you are always more than welcome here." Sharon said with the kind smile from before.

"I'm gonna call you Saur. Is that okay?"
"Bulbasaur!" Bulbasaur chirped.
The two head out for Viridian City.

End of Chapter four

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