Doctor Harland

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"Go away, The book signing not until 4.30, read the brochure" we heard a man shout as the nerd knocked on the trailer door. "Mr Harland it's Alex Furhman" As soon as Alex spoke the trailer door swung open and the face of a grinning man in his 60's appeared. "Doctor Alex Furhman" he said with a smirk on his face. Alex continued "We have to speak to you now it is incredibly important" Doctor Harland gestured his hand at us to step into the trailer and take a seat. As well sat down Alex explained what had happened. When she was finished Doctor Harland spoke up "So your saying the four of you witnessed this UFO crash" "That's right" Jack quickly answered. I backed up his reply with a quick nod. "We was wondering if there was any intell out there among your sources" Alex explained. "I hate lying, I really don't like lying. I can tell when people are lying to me. But thankfully your story checks out with all the reports i got NASA." I shot a sigh of relief at Sara then quickly turned to Seth who had started talking.

"We have reason to believe that a team of Government sponsive co-operative's recovered the spacecraft."Harland had a look of shock on his face as Seth leaned even closer to him. "Ok, back up a a little there..."I gently grabbed Seth's hoodie and pulled him back as Doctor Harland continued to speak. "This is not space camp, the experts do their work, you know your every lucky you three that you didn't come face to face with the aliens who were in that craft. There like deadly praying mantis they eat your flesh." I could see the look of disgust on Seth's face and gently placed my hand in his to calm him down. "O we are indeed lucky kids not to have our flesh eaten by the aliens." Sara quickly stated. I gave a smile and a nod gesturing Seth to go along with it.

"You got that right; Ok let's go to work here, i got an email from a source that sent me this satgram" Harland stated. "Where would they take the spaceship?" I asked as he started to look through the computer for the source. "Well, the size and shape of the craft i would say there is only one possibility." "WITCH MOUNTAIN" The nerd quickly shouted before Harland could as a word. We all turned to look at him with shock from butting into the conversation. "I apologise Doctor Harland" The nerd quickly said as soon as he had realised he shouldn't of spoke. Doctor Harland continued "Witch Mountain, let's take a look; here we go California, 50 miles from the border of labored and it's one of our top secret facilities. You know if you're planning on visiting, don't. Here's the schematic and do you have the book?" "Yes i do" Alex said proudly with a smirk on her face. "Alright then..." Harland continued "Here's an aerial view." "Thank you Harland for everything" Alex said while backing out of the trailer. As the other stepped out of the trailer i turned to Harland who had tapped my shoulder. "What ever trouble your in trust no one." I nodded before quickly running out to join the others.

After leaving Harlands trailer we quickly walked back inside the space conventen. As we walked to where we meet Alex Sara spoke up breaking the silence "Thank you all of you. Seth and I understand that you don't have to forward with us and yet you choose to." "Your welcome and you know i wouldn't be able to just leave you. especially when you need help." I said placing my hand in Seth's and looking up to him with a smile before looking at Sara. "Are you two..." Alex started before Jack cut in "I'll tell you able it later. Right now we need to get going." Alex turned to Jack "I'm going to grab my stuff let's meet upstairs in the convention at my boot, then while get our cab." Jack quickly pulled Alex to the side where Seth, Sara and I couldn't hear.

"See thinks you're very handsome." Sara quickly said as Jack watched Alex walk away. "Really?" I asked getting a slight glare from Jack. "And smarter than you think you are" "So she was thinking about me?" Jack asked still looking in the direction Alex went. "At Least as much as you was thinking about her" Sara answered. "So she didn't happen to mention in her thoughts that i..." "Its show time everybody" we turned to see a weird looking creature walking straight as us. "Should we go upstairs now?" Seth asked. "Yeah let's go upstairs" i answered pulling at Jack to follow us. I pulled at Jack trying to get him to move. "Hey do u think she was thinking about..." He turned "Where did the others go?" I turned to see that they had gone.

"They must of headed upstairs when i was trying to get you to follow us"

"Hey don't blame me"

"Come on Jack we have to go find them"

"SETH... SARA... SETH" As Jack shouted of them two men in black suits grabbed Jack from behind. "Holly run go find Seth and Sara."

I stood there watching Jack get pulled away with a gun pointed to his back. Which way should i go? Jack needs my help but i need to find Seth and Sara. would it be better to find Alex she would know what to do... No i don't have time for that. I ran up the stairs "SETH... SARA... SETH... SETH" I suddenly saw them watching a alien romance play. "SETH" I shouted running up to him. "Where did you go? We couldn't find you." Just then someone grabbed my arm "JACK!" "Is this part of our history?" Sara asked. "No" Jack replied pulling her away. I turned around one last time to look at the play. "Ummm... Guys... We have a problem" They turned to look where i was looking stood in the middle of the stage was the siphon we had out runned the day before." We need to get out of here quick" Seth commented grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the room. Sara quickly swung her hand at the stage sending the siphon across it into a nearby screen.

We quickly ran into the Casino. I was suddenly pushed into a wall by Seth who spotted the SCI. When the coast was clear we ran through the Casino followed by Sara and Jack. Just as they were about to corner us. Sara picked her hand at the machine what sent money flying out of them causing a distraction for us to get away. "Got to go!" Jack said grabbing Alex who had just spotted us. "What happened to laying low?"

We ran out of the building and into Harlands RV. "Thanks again Harland" I quickly shouted before closing the door.

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