A day without her

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    Nobody's P.O.V

"You saw this incident brake out correct?" "yes" "short and simple" I thought. "So what exactly did happen?" "well... Darian got in front of her. She got mad, shook, and told him to move-" he cut me off "she, shook?" "yes she has a nervous tick" "oh I see now." I went on "he did not listen and kept on mimicking her. Soo she hit him. He looked at her and knocked her out cold." "Ahh. I see... Now let's talk about something else" *gulp* "I have heard about your daydreaming in class, it can get serious" I forgot to mention my daydreaming "I'm sorry" I said knowing I can't control my overimaginative brain...
    Ryan's P.O.V
She flew about half a meter from where she was standing. I was nervous, my arms shook and I was mad. I saw the last movement coming from her body like a shiver. I shook her "wake up, not now I need you to protect me... please" she shook off a shiver again. "GET OFF OF HER!" said a rude voice. I looked up at the grouchy. Tall woman. "Don't, argue" I thought, and grabbed Sara's arm putting it around my shoulder. She got the other. We walked to the nurses office, her legs dragging and head broken down. We put her on one of the beds "how can someone do something like this!" I thought. "She is in a really bad condition" I looked up at her, she was already calling 911 "Ah yes this is Darol Shadow High I need a ambulance" some murmurs came from the phone "she is in a blackout state and won't react to sound or touch" the operator said something and the nurse checked her pulse "its slow" I looked at Sara and put my good ear to her chest. It was barely thumping. She took a breath every 10 seconds. "She is taking one breath every ten seconds" I said the nurse repeated it on the phone. More murmurs came from the devise. She hung up the phone. A sigh of relief shouted from her mouth...
      Nobody's P.O.V
He looked at me "What do you mean "i'm sorry?" I looked at him "I really don't know-" he slammed his fist on the table "YOU KNOW THIS IS A SERIOUS DISCUSSION!" he looked down "all of yall will be separated... Never see each other again" I looked him dead in the eye like the looks Sara used to give me when she was part of THEM. Hopeless, filled in with dispare. "Why? How?" he sighed  "you are a special child. Your brain can not process words well but you can imagen everything exactly how it is" I was puzzled "Ryan has anger issues, everyday he thinks about the day his father left. That permently hurt him" "Sara, there are alot of things you don't know about her. She was also scard for life but do you ever wonder how she copes?" "she told me she plays the piano." "no. She lies to you and everyone. She does not want everyone wanting to help her because she knows when there gone forever it is gonna hurt her more." than it clicked. She never wore short sleeves "no she does not do that..."
     Ryan's P.O.V
Sirens filled the air as I held Sara's cold, hard, strong hand. She has never worried me like this. They took her. They took her from me. I did not have feelings for her. Its only cause she reminds me of my dad. "Seidy" I said, Sara's real name.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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