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Now when I was writing about me and my friends I forgot to mention ower birthdays I  was born in August 25 2006. Sarah was in December 31 2006 and Ryan November 3 2006 . now on to the fun facts I have mild scolioses. Sarah has a slight walking disorder and loses balance easily, she also has a nervous tick. Ryan is deaf in one ear. He also has a nervous tick and somewhat smarter out of all over us. I am a terrible reader. Everyone hates me. I suck at math. I have never had a girlfriend none of us had. Sarah stutters sometimes Ryan is bipolar. Sarah sucks at math. Ryan sucks at literature.  Sarah is good at literature. I am a terrible speller if it weren't for autocorrect. The teachers love Ryan. I hate the teachers. We are all introverts. Sarah listens to too much rock.  Ryan listens to to much Eminem.  I listen to to much Jason Durulo.  Sarahs favorite bands. (artist,) are My Chemical Romance, Set It Off, DAGames, Highly Suspect. Panic! At The Disco. And. Every other rock band. Mine are Jason Durulo, Ice T, Juice Wrld, XXTENCION, Bazzi, that's it. And Ryan's is just Eminem.  Sarah is legally blind without her glasses. Ryan can see perfectly. Those are my best friends

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