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(A/N: sorry for all the time skips and kind of short and rushed chapters, I have an amazing idea for a sequel to this story so I'm quickly trying to finish this story so I can work on the sequel!)

2 weeks later

Anakin's POV

The dusty planet of Tatooine came into sight and a feeling of resentment and past struggles came flooding back but I pushed them down and hid them with the force as we entered the atmosphere in the Resolute. I took a deep breath and went down into the hanger where Obi-wan was debriefing the 501st and 212th on what was about to go down. Gunships and fighters were lined up and ready to go with pilots inside them checking over the smaller ships. 

Master Windu, Plo Koon, Shaak Ti and Adi Gallia were on two other Jedi Cruisers with there own squadrons. Obi-wan and I were going to try and find Dooku while the other four Jedi Masters and all the squadrons fought the droids at the front lines. Ahsoka had to sit this one out, she wasn't happy about it but the Council all stated that it was too dangerous.

"Your fighter is ready General," Rex said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Thank you Rex," I replied.

All the troops were moving towards the gunships and boarding them, Rex walked alongside me until I reached my black and yellow fighter.

"Will you guys be alright down there?" I asked.

"You don't need to worry about us General, we know how to hold our own," Rex replied.

"I know, I have faith in you. With you leading the 501st I know you'll be okay," 

"I learned from watching you, sir," 

I smiled and shook my head before clapping him on the shoulder.

"Let's get going, may the force be with you," 

"Thank you, General, you too,"

I climbed into my fighter as Obi-wan climbed in the white and red one next to mine, Rex ran into the nearest gunship and the doors closed behind him as it took off and out of the Resolute. 

"Are you ready?" I asked Obi-wan.

"No but that hasn't stopped us before," Obi-wan replied through the comlink.

Our fighters rose into the air and we easily piloted our way our of the Resolute and into the clear sky of Tattooine with the twin suns casting an orange sunset glow on everything.

We flew down to where the battle had already began, it seemed that they knew we were coming. There were a few fighters in the air fighting against vulture droids while most of the gunship had landed on the ground and dropped off the clones to fight the battle droids on the ground in front of the massive metal door that was built into a large sand dune. 

"Anakin, we need to fly through the battlefield and land on the other side of the sand dune, there is a hidden latch that we could find," Obi-wan explained through the commlink.

"Got it," I replied.

We flew through the battle that was already raging on in both the ground and the sky. I spun around vulture droids and fired a few blasts so they exploded, a laser skimmed the top of my wing and a nearby explosion rocked my fighter as I fought to keep it steady.

"Easy Anakin, I don't want to take Dooku on my own," Obi-wan warned.

"Last time you said that you were injured and I lost an arm," I remarked.

"I remember. This time we'll do it together from the start," he replied dryly.

"I learnt my lesson from last time,"

The Edge of the UniverseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora