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Obi-wan's POV

I woke up and the sky was still pitch black, the fire that we had made had gone out during the night and it was a pile of ash and burnt sticks. A cold wind swept through the forest and I sat up and looked around, I didn't know why I had woken up randomly.

I reached out with the force to see if there was any danger nearby but the only thing I felt was the disturbed presence of Anakin. I saw Ahsoka and Rex sleeping on the ground but Anakin was nowhere in sight, I reached out with the force again and I heard his footsteps not far away. I stood up and made my way in that direction, I found Anakin within a few minutes, he was kicked a stone along the mossy ground as he walked.

"What are you doing out here?" I asked quietly.

He spun around hand automatically reaching for his lightsaber, once he realised it was me he placed his hand back down and sighed in relief.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I asked you first,"

He sighed and looked away from me probably trying to think of an excuse.

"You already know the answer, don't you?"

I nodded and Anakin looked back up at me meeting my eye for the first time, one of this planet's moons shone down on us between the leaves casting shadows and patterns on the forest floors.

"There's no point in you worrying about Darth Vader, he won't become a sith now," Anakin said with a firm voice.

"How do you know? Dooku's still out there and he could make the Jedi join him still," I argued trying to get Anakin to see the full picture.

"He won't," 

"How do you know that? We should be taking more precaution with this,"

"I've already told you before, I've talked about it with Master Yoda. After Darth Sidious died it's very unlikely for him to turn," Anakin said in an annoyed voice.

"Who is the Jedi that becomes Darth Vader, I just need to know who it is so I can form my own opinion on the situation,"

"I can't tell you,"

"You can't or you won't,"

Anakin stayed silent and I huffed in annoyance and looked away from Anakin.

"From what I've seen Darth Vader is a powerful sith lord, how can you be so positive that the Jedi won't become him!" I shouted.

"Because I'm Darth Vader!"

There was silence as the words hit me, no, there was no way Anakin becomes that monster, he'd never join the sith would he? The boy from Tatooine, my apprentice, best friend and brother couldn't fall to the dark side and become that evil, twisted sith lord that blows up Alderaan and kills hundreds of people. 

"W-What?" I stammered.

Anakin looked away from me and took a step away from me, he began walking away from me and I ran to catch up to him.

"Anakin, you can't just say something like that and walk away!" I shouted.

Anakin ignored me and I grabbed his wrist and he spun around a white flash and I was standing on Mustafar once again.

 "I have brought peace, freedom, justice and security to my new Empire," Anakin announced with his back towards me.

His force presence was completely shrouded by the dark side and the force around him was raging in the Darkside. His hatred and anger for the Jedi pulsed in him and his force presence was so different, but I recognised it as Anakin's. 

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