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2 weeks later

Obi-wan's POV

"Anakin we need to get down on that planet!" I shouted from the co-pilot seat.

"I know, I'm working on it!" he replied flicking some switches.

We had just taken down a large Separatist ship but they called for backup and now a smaller fleet was after revenge and a bullet had hit one of the thrusters on the back and the ship had lurched to the side. We broke through the atmosphere and fire scorched the front of the ship and a large bang echoed throughout the small ship, and a small scream escaped Ahsoka's lips. 

"This is going to be a rough landing!" I announced.

Anakin managed to pull the ship up but the ship crashed into the tops of the trees and I lurched forward whacking my head, I was thrown against the seatbelt and it dug painfully into my stomach and collarbone. Black spots clouded my vision as we continued to crash through the trees until it completely took over...

The first thing I felt was a sharp pain in my side where my ribs were and an aching pain at the front of my head, I slowly opened my eyes and looked around and the ruined ship. The glass had shattered and part of the ship had been torn away, I slowly stood up and the pain in my ribs screamed as well as my thigh which was bleeding. A dull throbbing pain echoed in my head but I stumbled forward gripping onto random parts of the ship to steady myself, Anakin had a steady flow of blood dripping down the side of his face from his right temple. I pressed two fingers against his neck and my heart dropped, I moved my fingers slightly and that's when I found his pulse. My panic slowly disappeared and I shook Anakin gently and shouted his name a few times, he slowly stirred and cracked his eyes open. I waited anxiously as he came to his senses and opened his eyes all the way.

"We've got to get out of here, the ship could explode at any moment," I warned.

Anakin nodded and moved slightly but winced painfully.

"I'll help you out first and then get Ahsoka and Rex," I said changing the plan I originally had.

"No, I'm fine, I'll get Ahsoka out and you can get Rex," he basically whispered.

I was going to argue against him but there was no point, I'd just be wasting more time. I nodded and pulled Anakin to his feet before limping down the hallway where Rex should be, we were on a small escape ship so there were no other clones on board besides Rex. He was already awake when I came into the room and he had a med pack with him that he managed the find in this room.

"Are the others alright?" he asked.

"I think so, c'mon we've got to get out of here," I said.

We both walked out of the ship and stumbled out the broken door and onto the muddy, wet grass below. My leg gave out from underneath me but Rex managed to catch me before I face planted, he sat me down against a tree and I clutched my bleeding leg. Anakin stumbled out of the ship after Ahsoka and they both looked relatively okay, but I also knew from experience that Anakin would be hiding a few injuries. 

"We should move further away," Rex said.

Anakin nodded and I tried to stand up but fell back down, Anakin offered a hand and I took it, he pulled me to my feet and I leaned all my body weight against him as I swayed. He supported me still and Rex made his way over to my other side and I placed my arms around both their soldiers and they basically kind of carried me away from the wreckage. 

We walked for a while, Ahsoka was at the front scouting ahead while Rex and Anakin supported me, I noticed Anakin sending strength through the force towards me and I wanted to refuse it but I wasn't strong enough to do it. Finally, Ahsoka stopped and looked around, I felt Anakin tense up and the force swirl around in case and I knew he had it close by in case anything jumped out at us. 

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