Chapter 29

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*I'm sick, so if this chapter is a little loopy or doesn't make sense--it's not my fault.  As always, point out any mistakes and I'll fix em..  

Votes and comments or messages go a long way. 

Thank you all so much for your support!  You have no idea how much it means to me.  

This lovely cover comes from the awesome Miss_Careless.*

Chapter 29


Waking up for Miriam the next day was like crawling out of bed in the middle of a dream—a part of her mind couldn’t decide whether what she was experiencing was reality or not.

The only way to describe it was…disconnected.

The brush in her hand didn’t feel real, even as she dragged it through her hair.

The toothpaste had no flavor.

She barely felt connected to the present as she clomped down the stairs in her oversized purple rain boots and slapped a hat on over her head. 

Half of her still seemed to be sleeping, even as she pushed open the front door and took a step outside. 

It was only then that she felt somewhat alive. 

The icy air was like a slap, tossing her hair back and numbing her cheeks.  It was still snowing lightly.  The soft, frothy drops brushed her jacket as she waded down the front path toward the street—bundled in her own green blazer this time.

That thick leather jacket was upstairs folded neatly over her desk chair.

Still…it wasn’t until she reached that slight curve in the road that she truly felt any emotion at all…


That familiar black car, idling along the curb, wasn’t there. 

He wasn’t there.

She stopped walking. 

Utterly blank, she just stood there, right in the center of the road, feeling her backpack grow heavy over her shoulders as she stared at that space in the road.

She pinched herself, snagging a bit of skin between the nails of her fingers until the pain made tears prickle behind her eyes.

But she didn’t wake up—and he never came…

The dreary wind just blew flakes of snow over that spot on the road.  No other car even approached. 

Slowly…she kept walking.  Feeling each step sink against the pavement like a wrecking ball that couldn’t crack the surface. 

The snow lashed at her hair, coating her in ice as she trudged the long way to town.  This time…she could feel the cold.

 Her teeth chattered.

 Her body ached. 

The icy chill seemed to numb her, right down to the bone.

She couldn’t think.  The only thing running through her mind as she finally entered the school parking lot was…

I’m going to be late.

And she was.


The day only went downhill from there. 

When she arrived through the front doors, with ice melting down the back of her sweater, her uncle was there waiting.

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