Chapter 68

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Chapter 68

Lyv followed the glowing orb of light down into the crypt below the temple, footsteps echoing around her as she took each step. Looking back once she reached the bottom, she could see the outline of the two people who waited up at the doorway for her – Jai and Elys. They were there for support, though they knew she needed a little bit of time by herself.

After three weeks, that day was the first Lyv wasn't dressed in white, the color of mourning. She was back to wearing her tunic, leather leggings, and boots, a cloak tight around her shoulders to keep the chill away. She'd promised Elys they would spend some time training, especially since she'd hardly spent any time with him, Eamon, or any of the other children in those last few weeks. She was too numb to do much of anything.

Of course, it hadn't been that way a few weeks before. Then, Lyv was riding a high she thought she would explode from, so full of love and happiness and contentment. How could she not when she was now tied to Jai in every possible way? The emerald ring on her finger still made her smile, even though she'd come crashing down just a few days after they were married on the Ayverian docks surrounded by every person they loved. Their impromptu ceremony pretty much kicked off the Summer Solstice festival early with how the party began and lasted for days after until the real festival began.

Of course, Jai and Lyv snuck away from it all a short while later, though, with Gideon and Thia promising to watch Elys for the night...right before Lyv turned to kiss Jai as he said something highly inappropriate and faded them into his and Gideon's old apartment for some much needed time to themselves. They only got the night, though, since they knew their time was running short with another.

As she passed the royal tombs of past Dalcaine rulers, Lyv smiled when she reached Destan's, gazing up at the stone carved face that stared down at her. "Hi, Destan," she said to him. "It's been a while since I've come to say hello."

She imagined him rolling his eyes. You can say that again.

"A lot's been happening, though," she went on, smiling slightly as she lifted her left hand as if he could see her ring. "You get to call me your sister-in-law now. About time, right?"

I see he's finally stopped hiding that thing. I only ever saw it once, made fun of him for having one when he didn't even have a female in his life, and then he stashed it away.

"Of course, you would have," Lyv snorted as she rolled her eyes. "But what's a little brother for other than to torment his older sibling?"

I'm glad he finally found you, though. That he was able to ask you a question he's been dreaming of asking his mate for pretty much all his life.

"Finally, yes. And it's beautiful, don't you think?"

A beautiful ring for a beautiful female. I'm happy for you.

Lyv sucked in another breath, staring up at his stone face. "I wish you could have been there, though. Jai wishes it, too. But we both know you were there in some way and would have made just as much fuss about it all as everyone else."

You know me too well. I miss you – all of you – but you know I'm here with you every day. Just...don't forget to come down from time to time and say hello, especially now that I have some company with me.

"I definitely won't. I hope...I hope everything's good wherever you are. And that you're taking care of him for me."

Gods, she could almost see that smile he used to give her. Of course, I am, he would have said to her. It's the least I can do.

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